Chapter 31

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Broken Lovers

Chapter 31

I screamed, falling to my knees. Hot tears streamed down my face as I stared at her, not wanting to believe it was true. She couldn't be dead.

"NOOOOOOO!" I screamed, clasping her pale hand in mine. "Please come back, Janie."

I felt Kenzie fall down onto her knees beside me. She rested a small hand on my knee, looking up at me. Tears shone in her eyes, a look of despair was etched onto her face.

"I'm so sorry, Janie. This is all my fault," I whispered.

"It's not your fault, Finnick," Kenzie argued softly. Her voice was strained, she was trying to hold back the tears threatening to fall.

"But it is. I let her go. I wasn't there to protect her, and now she gone. I made a mistake that cost Janie her life. I'm so stupid!" I sobbed, tears falling harder than ever.

"Finnick, you listen to me!" Kenzie demanded. I stared at her in awe. She had never spoken like that before. "Janie died so we could live. She chose to go out on her own, it was a risk we needed to take, and the odds just weren't in our favour. Titan did this and I know we will get him back, its only a matter if time.

I miss her too, Finnick, I really do, but I know she wouldn't want this. She was an amazing person and didn't deserve to die, but life isn't fair. We can't get her back. Lets not waist our lives mourning hers, but live ours always remembering the sacrifice she made for us."

I opened my mouth and closed it several times. No matter how hard I tried, words refused to form in my mouth. I stared into her eyes, a feeling of pity washing over me. She was forced to grow up way too fast, another dreadful side effect of these wretched games. I was reminded of my promise to Janie, to end them once and for all. No one deserves this.

My thoughts were interrupted by the loud hum of the hovercraft flying overhead. It was coming for Janie's body.

"Goodbye, Janie. I will never forget you," I whispered, just loud enough for the cameras to hear. I placed a soft kiss to her forehead before slowly standing up. I placed three fingers to my lips before thrusting my arm into the air. I squeezed my eyes shut, attempting to stop the tears. I needed to be strong, no matter how badly I was breaking inside.

When I opened my eyes, Janie was gone. No matter how much it hurt, I needed to remember she was in a better place now. Away from all harm, a place like the meadow. I cringed, remembering the lyrics to a song my mother used to sing to me before she died.

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I couldn't think about that now.

"Lets go," I croaked.

We trudged back slowly, an uneasy silence hanging over us. I could tell she was freaking out inside but I didn't know how to comfort her.

We slowly climbed the stairs of our building, still not speaking. It wasn't until we were on the roof that I finally broke the silence.

"We made the final 8," I said shakily.

"Yea," she said, a faint smile appeared on her face for a second before moulding back into a scowl.

My thoughts drifted to Annie. The Capitol reporters would soon be talking to her her, along with my father, Landon, Lane, Ariella, and Jendaiya. I hoped she was okay.

"Do you think Titan will come after us now?" Kenzie asked suddenly.

"I want to say no, but I feel that would be a lie. I can't really say, but I have a feeling he will. We're the only alliance left besides his own. We're the strongest, plus he has a grudge against both of us. The odds really don't look good," I admitted gravely.

She diverted her gaze to the ground, obviously avoiding my eyes.

"I will protect you, you know that right?" I asked.

"That's what I'm afraid of." She quickly noticed my look of confusion and continued. "I meant there's only one winner right? It needs to be you. I wouldn't put it above you to die protecting me, and that's a scary thought. You need to go home," she said quietly.

A tear slowly rolled down my cheek as she finished. I looked deeply into her eyes, a small smile taking over my face.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, noticing the tear.

"It's okay, Kenzie. It's just Janie said the same thing to me the night before we came. She said she would die making sure I got out. Now that she did, plus what you just said, it just makes me feel so loved.

"We do love you, Finnick. You will win these games, you're the best tribute here."

I got up and walked forward, slowly snaking my arms around her waist. I pulled her close, squeezing her tiny frame against my chest. She flung her arms around my neck, silently sobbing.

We sat like this for who knows how long. She was the only person I had left and I wouldn't let we at away from me. Not now, not ever.

We slowly climbed into the camp, both of us utterly exhausted. I took Janie's sleeping bag, knowing it would no longer be of any use to her. My mind went blank and I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

I awoke abruptly to the sound of an ear piercing scream filling the air. Kenzie. I wormed my way up through the hole, my eyes still adjusting to the early dawn light.

I found Kenzie on the roof. Thankfully, she was alone.

"What is it?" I asked, alarmed.

"They're gone!" She shrieked.


"The supplies. All the packs. All we have left is a bottle of water and a knife, the stuff from inside the camp."


"And look!" She cried, sticking her index finger in the direction of the wall across from the stairs.

A large letter "T" was messily printed on the wall in dark crimson blood.

Another chapter done!! I hope to be able to update more frequently but school is getting busy.

Also, I have a concussion so I can't be at the computer for more than 15 minutes at a time if I'm focusing. Until my head heals, these chapters won't be up fast. I'm so sorry

Anyway, vote and comment for chapter 32

~Annabeth Mockingjay Weasley

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