Chapter 44

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Broken Lovers

Chapter 44

I stare blankly at the stage, mindlessly watching Finnick and Mags file into the Justice Building behind the Mayor. I could hear Jendaiya's muffled screams, begging for someone to let her see Ariella.

People dispersed from the reaping in small clusters, conversing quietly about what just happened, and nonchalantly staring at a weeping Ariella still curled up in a ball on the ground.

A hand touched my waist, pulling me out of myself.

"Lets go see her," Landon said, tears threatening in his eyes.

Lane wrapped his arms around Natasha and pulled her close, whispering soothing words in her ear as she cried.

Ariella laid in a ball, dirt and dust staining her dress. To her, nothing else mattered but making sure Jendaiya was safe.

Landon left my side, walking over and pulling her to her feet. She sobbed loudly on his should, tears continuing to fall.

"We're gonna go see her, it will be fine. She's not gone yet, and before you know it, she will be back. Jendaiya is a fighter. She won't give up," Landon cooed softly, half dragging Ariella with him as he walked.

I felt tears, but I refused to cry. I just felt numb. I had already experienced this once, but it didn't make it any easier. I just learned at a young age how to cope with the pain of losing someone important to me.

We climbed the cement steps slowly, Ariella finally beginning to compose herself. Lane pushed the door open, and held it as we all walked through.

This room was far to familiar to me for my liking. The dusty smell, the deep burgundy carpet, the emerald green drapes, the polished wooden tables. It was all the same.

I had been in here three times before. First, when my mom died. Second, when I had my meeting with President Snow. Lastly, when Finnick was reaped two years ago.

"What do you mean she isn't here?" Lane roared.

"I mean," the burly peacekeeper snarled. "She. Isn't. Here!"

"Then where the hell is she?" Landon screamed.

"Train," he replied simply.

"What?" Ariella screamed. "I get to say goodbye!"

"Can't trust her, the little drama queen," the man spat.

Ariella positioned herself to run at the man, but Lane grabbed her by the waist and held her close to him.

Landon and the peacekeeper soon got into a fight, yelling louder and louder until Finnick emerged from one of the rooms, a blank expression on his face.

"What's going on?" He asked cooly.

"Where's Jendaiya?" Lane asked coldly, ignoring his question.

"She's already on the train. They figured she couldn't be trusted not o run away, or have a complete emotional meltdown, so they brought her out I the train already," Finnick replied. His eyes never once met mine, no matter how long I stared.

"Who made this decision?" Lane asked.

"I did," he replied matter-o-factly.

"Oh you-" Ariella screamed, rattling off every curse word known to man. I now understand the meaning of "colourful language"

Ariella broke down again, sobbing in Lane's arms. Natasha just looked around, confused, seeing as she hadn't been friends with us when we hung out with Finnick.

"Watch your mouth, Ariella. I have a lot of power, and in the end, a lot o say over whether Jendaiya lives or dies. I'd be careful."

Rage burned in her eyes as she glared at Finnick, her breathing paced rapidly increased. But she held her tongue, aware that the consequences of her words wouldn't be brought down in her, but on her best friend.

Finnick glared at each of us in turn. When his eyes neared me, I stood taller, and grabbed Landon's hand, making our connection very obvious. My jade eyes bore into his sea green ones, connecting for a few seconds longer then necessary.

"Well, baby, we should go. No point in sitting around talking to this waste of skin," Landon announced, pulling his hand away, before quickly wrapping it around my waist.

Finnick opened his mouth to speak, but we all turned away, storming out of the building in unison.

*Jendaiya's PoV*

The peacekeeper draped my limp body on a bed before quickly exiting the room. I cried for who knows how long. I can't believe they wouldn't let me say goodbye. My friends. Ariella. I was being torn away from my old life, probably going to be dead in a few weeks, and I wasn't aloud a few minutes to talk to them. It was stupid.

The tears eventually stopped flowing, but my mood never changed. I continued to hiccup and shake just like before.

I laid sprawled out on the soft blanket, still in my reaping dress. I don't know how long I had been on the train for, I only knew we had been moving for a while now.

I finally forced myself off the bed, my head spinning as I tried to stand up straight. I stumbled weakly into the bathroom, and slammed the door shut. I glanced tiredly at the complicated wall of buttons and dials, and decided I didn't care. I just hit random buttons until water began shooting from the nozzle.


Around half an hour later, I stood in front of a dresser, carelessly picking through a drawer of shirts. I finally decided on a sparkly gold tank top, knowing I needed to make a good impression in a few hours when we reached the Capitol. Plus it matched my black yoga pants, which never hurt.

"Jendaiya! So good of you to join us!" Sashene exclaimed, jumping up from her seat and prancing over, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Food is right over there, darling. Eat up!"

"Yea, you'll need all the strength you can get," Will stated.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked angrily.

"It means you're weak. You already proved it at the reaping. You're not even worth a target for the careers. You're gonna be the easiest kill out of every tribute in the arena," he replied arrogantly.

"I am not weak! You have no clue the crap I've had to go through in my life! You don't know me, and I'm a hell of a lot stronger then I look!" I scream.

"You look like a seven year old who cries too much an can't take care if herself. Theres talk that District 4 might be welcomed back into the career pack this year, but don hold your breath. They don't want weaklings."

I opened my mouth, but Finnick cut me off.

"Will, Jendaiya, that's enough. You're going to be spending a lot of time together in the next few days. Now I can't force you to like each other but at least learn to tolerate each other."

"Who are you to tell me what to do? I'm two years older than you and can beat the crap out of you any day," Will said angrily.

"I have already played the games, Will. And I won. I'm a lot more lethal than you think, an can hurt you in many ways. So learn to show some respect."

For the first time since I met him, Will was quiet.

~ Annabeth Mockingjay Weasley

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