Chapter 16

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Broken Lovers

Chapter 16

This chapter is dedicated to Admin Madgy (LyliaLove) and Admin Nimbus: The girl with the Wifi (weasley2) for their amazing help with this chapter. It's wouldn't have happened without them. Love ya both <33

*two days later*

Finnick, the twins, and I were walking to the training academy together for our first day back. As we were walking through the cobblestone streets of the district square, I saw the faces that have endlessly haunted my dreams, filling them with fear, pain, and despair. The two peacekeepers that attacked Finnick in the clearing were strutting through the square, harassing everyone they passed for no good reason.We tried to sneak around quietly, desperate to go unseen. Unfortunately, as i was glancing up to check where they were, I caught one of their eyes. He scanned us closely, looking for a reason to hurt us when he stopped dead.

"Damn, they're onto us," I muttered. Immediately, he quickly alerted his partner and they began shoving their way through the crowd to us.

"Run!" I hissed, breaking into a sprint. The three boys immediately behind me.

We sprinted hard, not slowing down until we reached the training academy. All four of us burst through the doors, completely out of breath.

"What... The... Heck?" Lane panted.

"Peacekeepers.... The ones..... Finnick.... Run.." A gasped.

"You mea-" Finnick began before he was cut off by the three metallic chimes of the school bell. Not wanting to be late on our first day back, we jogged down the hall towards the survival classroom.

"Welcome back everyone to district 4's training academy. I trust you all had a wonderful break," Ms Brooks announced. After what she did for Finnick, she was my favourite teacher. I hope I never lose her for she was truly one of a kind.

"Now, I want to begin with a speech so listen up. I trust you all watches this years Hunger Games? District 1 and 2 have made it VERY clear that whatever alliance we had us history. They killed Tyrell, our male, during the bloodbath and hunted day and night until they found and kill Maria. They dragged out her death, making it brutal, bloody, and painful. To the Capitol, that was just a show. To most districts, it was a showcase of their power. To us, it was a sign. When the district one boy took the rope from her pack, held it up to the camera, a cut it in half with his knife, he was sending us a message. Our ties are broken, we aren't wanted in the careers any longer. What we need to do, is make our own pack."

A chorus of gasps echoed across the room at her insane idea.

Once the room was silent, she continued. "As you all know, I am a mentor. I was at this years games and they were brutal for sponsors. Districts 1 and 2 were the only ones receiving parachutes this year. While the games were going on, I talked with Haymitch, the District 12 mentor and Kalem, the District 7 mentor, and they are interested in forming a temporary alliance. They aren't for sure, since some districts still consider us to be careers, but they are willing to give it a shot this year. So I want you all to train hard, give it everything you have for District 4 WILL have a victor this year, I know it. No-"

Ms Brooks was cut off by two armed peacekeepers bursting through the large, double mahogany doors. It was them.

Aiming their guns around, one at Ms Brooks and one at Finnick, the ginger shouted. "The boy. Give us the boy and no one gets hurt."

Ms Brooks slowly crossed the room towards us, the barrel of the gun following her every step. She stopped in front of us but instead of giving Finnick up, she shielded him with her own body.

"Over me dead body," she hissed.

"That can be arranged," the man snarled before aiming his gun at her chest, and burying a bullet deep into her right side.

Blood immediately poured from the wound, staining her grey uniform deep crimson. Her knees buckled and her limp body smashed into the ground. Landon and Lane protected Finnick as I leaned down to Ms Brooks.

"Annie," she croaked. "Listen to me. Things aren't as they seem. You can't trust everyone that comes into your life. Annie, don't listen to him. He is manipulating you, your best interests aren't what he wants. Don't believe him."

"Who?" I hissed frantically.

"President Snow," she whispered. The life was slowly fading from her eyes, her breaths were slowing. Her round face looked a million miles away.There was nothing I could do except stay with her until she died. She was far past saving. Not even a full minute passed before Ms Brooks exhaled her final breath. I squeezed her hands and closed her eyes before I slowly rose to face the peacekeepers.

"Move out of the way you silly little brats! We have work to do!" The second peacekeeper said.

"No, you get out of here! Leave us be!" A girl shouted, running to Finnicks exposed side. I remembered her as Jendaiya Jackson, a tall, pale, black haired girl with stormy grey eyes.

"Fools! I can easily kill all of you!" The man raged.

"Then you have to kill me too!" Shouted another girl. It was Arielle Kabe, a tall, tan, brown eyes blond girl. She quickly sprinted to her best friend, Jendaiya, and stood with her.

Soon, the whole fire team had formed a circle around Finnick, protecting his life with their own.

"You know what! I'm done," the second man screamed before aiming his gun at Ariella. He fired the gun, sending the bullet sailing through the air. The bulletlodged deep into a target, only missing Ariella's head by about a centimetre. He cocked the gun to shoot again when the doors burst open again. Over a dozen armed presidential peacekeepers stormed into the room followed by none other than President Snow himself. All guns were pointed at the two unjust peacekeepers standing in the middle of the room.

"Take them to the square. They are to be executed in ten minutes," President Snow ordered.

All 12 men closed in, seizing the two large men before marching out of the room.

"President, how did you know to be here?" I asked.

"My dear girl, I was on my way to come get them to kill them anyways. They are unjustly punishing people and that needs to end. When we heard gunfire, we rushed over here to find you guys. Oh my," the president said, discovering the cold corpse lying behind us.

"I'll get someone to come deal with this. Annie, I must be going. Take care, love." Taking one last glance at everyone's faces, the president spun on his heel and strut out of the training room.


I stood in the district square with my three best friends, along with new found friends, Jendaiya and Ariella.

Two nooses stood in the middle of the square, propped up on platforms. The two men, flanked with the presidents guard climbed up. They forced the two men onto stools and pushed their heads through the rope. I buried my head in Landon's shoulder as they kicked the stools out from under them. Pained, desperate cries filled the air, I felt like screaming. Was Ms Brooks right about President Snow? Was he truly who he said he was, or only trying to gain my trust? From now on, I would be on my guard around him for I planned to live a long, happy life with my friends, and I wasn't about to let anyone ruin it.

I slowly peeked up from Landon's arm once the noise stopped. I silently cried out as I saw the two men's limp bodies being removed from the nooses.

Hope you enjoyed. I'm not going to be able to update for a week so please don't be mad. Please vote/like and comment :)

~Annabeth Mockingjay Weasley

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