Chapter 6

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Broken Lovers

Chapter 6

I stared at Finnick, mouth agape.

"You can't be serious. If we want to win, no one would let a 12 year old be tribute, that's insane!" I exclaimed.

"Annie, I'm dead serious. And plus, no one would volunteer for me. Since they shut down the training academy 7 years ago, no one has training. Any one who was at the academy is now too old to do anything. They all have about the same odds as I do," he responded grimly.

"Finn, there's nothing we can do but hope, pray even, that you won't be reaped. How many times is your name in that bowl?" I asked seriously.

A small smile played at the corners of his mouth. "Just once."

"Well Finn, for the first time ever, I believe," I paused and grinned, "that the odds will be ever in our favour this year," I finished with a cheap Capitol accent.

He grinned back, pulling me close to him. This is one of our last free days, and I wouldn't want to spend it any other way.


I pulled up the last strand of loose hair, pinning it up in my clip. I ran my hands slowly over my dress, slot thing out the soft yellow fabric. I stepped into my black flats, examining myself once more in the mirror. I wasn't eligible for the reaping today, but I still needed to dress fancily.

A loud sound echoed from my window, followed by a sharp squeak. I glanced over to find Finnick's head sticking in my room.

"Finn, what are you doing?" I cried, rushing over to him.

"Coming to get you," he answered. His body trembled slightly as he struggled to keep himself steady.

"Why not use the door?" I asked, motioning for him to come in.

He pulled his upper body through the window frame before launching himself off the tree and through the window. His body crashed into the floor with a loud thud.

"Doors are over rated," he smirked.

I laughed, pulling my bedroom door open and crossing through it, Finnick at my heels. We bounded down the stairs, a suffocating tension think in the air.

"Bye father!" I called as we reached the front door. I turned the handle and together we walked I to the warm May breeze.


"Bye!" I cried, pulling him into a right embrace.

"Look, Ann, there's us almost no chance I will get picked today. Please don't worry. I will be back soon," he said, hugging me tighter. I think his words were to reassure himself more than me.

He quickly dashed towards the 12 year old boy section as the mayor took the stage. His deep, monotone voice filled the square, making it a challenge for everyone to stay awake. Soon, a brightly dressed lady strutted up to the mic, her powdered wig swaying dangerously in the wind.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome ladies and gentlemen to the reaping for the 63rd annual Hunger Games. Now, before we choose our two lucky kids that will receive the honour of representing District 4 in this years games, we have a short video sent to us all the way from the Capitol," she squealed excitedly.

"War, terrible war. Widows, orphans, a motherless child.."

The video droned on but I couldn't focus. I was too worried about Finnick. I knew there was pretty much no chance he would get picked, but there was still a small possibility. I couldn't lose him. He was all I had.

"That was truly fantastic. I never get tired of swing this!" our escort exclaimed. "Now, ladies first."

Her heels clicked against the stage as she approached the large glass sphere. He dipped her hand in and pulled it back out immediately, a small slip of paper clutched between her fingers. she slowly padded back to the microphone, peeling open the paper.

"Maria Roberts."

A small, dark skinned girl exited the 14 year old square and slowly trudged up the other to the stage. She climbed the stairs nervously and took her spot centre stage.

Without a word, the escort reached the second cylinder. She dipped her dainty hand in and retrieved a small slip. She slowly crossed the stage and pressed her lips to the mic.

I sucked in a sharp breath, balling up my fists. I clenched my teeth in anticipation of the name.

"Tyrell Rogers."

A large, buff 18 year old cockily approached the stage, whooping and cheering. He grinned as he shook hands with Maria before they both disappeared into the Justice Hall.

I slowly exhaled, grinning from ear to ear. He had made it. He was staying with me, at least for a little while.

I pushed myself through the mob of people, children eager to find their families, ready to celebrate another successful year of survival.

I finically found Finnick, his sea foam green eyes sparkling. I threw myself into his arms, wrapping mine around his waist. At this moment, I didn't care about anything. It didn't matter how short lived our happiness would be. All we could do was live in the now, and right now, it was pretty great.


Sunlight streamed though my open window, waking me from my light sleep. Since I was so nervous, sleep didn't come easy last night. I threw my thin blanket off me and crossed the floor to my window. I stared out at District 4, the soft tune of the Mockingjays wrung in my ears. Rays of sunlight shone on the water, creating a pink reflection on the beach. I'm unsure of how long I stood there, it was only my father coming to wake me that made me realize today wasn't a normal day. I started training today. I glanced quickly at my bedside clock, starting to panic because training started in less than 45 minutes. I quickly ran across my small bedroom to my dresser and grabbed a pair of jean shorts and a soft orange T-shirt. I sprinted to the bathroom and changed, washing my face and braiding my hair into long, brown pigtails. I hurried down the stairs, grabbing my bag and greeting my father before hurtling myself towards Finnick's house.

By the time I arrived, I was completely out of breath. The warm wind blew a few loose strands of my hair around as I crossed his lawn. As I was about to knock, the large, mahogany door swung open. Finnick's dad ushered me inside, offering me breakfast. It only dawned on me then that I had forgotten to eat. Explaining the hurry we were in, I politely declined. He nodded and left to go find Finnick. Soon, they both raced down the stairs, Finnick ready to leave. We both waved to his father before racing each other to the training academy.

We made it to the academy with a few minutes to spare. The sun had almost fully risen, creating a soft glow on the partially glass building. I felt scared, this was happening too fast. I stopped right in front of the door, startling Finnick.

"I can't do it Finnick, I'm sorry," I whispered.

"Annie, you can do this. You what to know why?" He asked.

"Why," I mumbled.

"Cause I'll be with you the whole time."

I smiled and nodded as he held the door for me. Taking a few deep breaths, I walked slowly into the academy.

Hope you enjoyed.

~Annabeth Mockingjay Weasley xxx

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