Chapter 73

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Chapter 73 of Broken Lovers
*Annie's Pov*
"How are you feeling?" He whispers as we lie in my bed watching the light of the sun inch more and more into my room.
"Numb." I reply.
"Don't go into the blood bath Annie, please."
"If I come out of these games alive I will be affect by the deaths weather I go into that bloodbath or not. I'm going try my hardest for you Finnick and I can't guarantee that I will make it out mentally but I will fight." I reply.
"I got to go see Landon. I love you." He wraps his arms around me tightly placing a firm kiss on my lips. What if this is the last time I kiss him? The last time he holds me, the last "I love you".
"My love is yours forever." I whisper against his lips. He gets up and leaves me alone in my room with my nightmarish thoughts. Today is the day of the 70'th hunger games.

"You have these games in the palm of your hand Annie, now it's time to control them." Maggs tells me before I get on the hovercraft with Mist.
"What if I do want to die?" I ask as I shiver from anxiousness.
"Then you let Snow win. Finnick needs you to come back Annie and I think you know that you need to come back. In order to win all of this you need to come back." She takes me in her arms and gives me a motherly hug. I cling onto her for dear life but am soon torn away and lead to the hovercraft.

Mist and I have a good lunch. We don't talk much but I know that she genuinely does care for me. Landon and I will soon be together in the arena and oddly I feel excited. Adrenaline is coursing through my veins already, and that scares me to death.
We get off the hover craft and are lead into a small room containing my clothes and pedestal that will bring me into the games.
"How are you feeling?" She asks as I get dressed.
"I feel ready." I reply.
"Good. Now remember what you've been told and keep your mind strong. We'll see each other soon."
"What do you think arena is?" I ask after zipping up my jacket.
"Well each article of clothing is pitch black, I think it's going to be dark. It's all tight to the skin so it can't be cold."
"30 seconds." A voice announces in the room over the intercom.
"It's time." I say smiling slightly.
"I'll try my best to take care of Finnick for you."
"Thank you." I hug her tightly.
"You do your best to come out alive okay?"
"15 seconds." Letting go I step onto the pedestal and a glass tube lowers around me. Closing my eyes I focus on my breathing and heartbeat.  I feel myself going up, still closing my eyes I wait to feel the stop. "10 seconds." Opening my eyes, I see all 23 other tributes around me. We all encircle the cornucopia filled with weapons and bags full of supplies. The area we're in is dark but lit slightly with silver light. It looks like we're in a large metal square room.
"Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the 70'th hunger games."
9 Seconds.
I find Landon.
8 seconds.
We meet each others eyes and both nod in agreement,
7 seconds.
Like hell we're going to leave the bloodpath.
6 seconds.
Snow took everything.
5 seconds.
We are no longer weak.
4 seconds.
We are stronger than ever.
3 seconds.
We're ready to meet death.
2 seconds.
We're ready to make our mark.
1 second.
And we're angry as hell.

I leap off that pedestal and race towards the cornucopia. I can hear all the others yelling and their footsteps from behind. I've always been fast but at this very moment I run faster than I ever have. Getting to the cornucopia I have seconds to grab a bag of knives. Taking on in my spare hand I spin and throw. The knifes meets its target, District 1's Male tribute: Caleb.
"YOU BITCH!" Shadow screams running towards with me a knife. I duck under his arm as she strikes and jab another knife into her side earning a scream of agony from her then she falls limp onto the ground. I smirk as I stand up and look down at the two bodies.
"Annie!" I hear Landon's scream but it's too late. A strong force runs into me bringing me to the ground. Meeting the eyes of District 2's Male tribute I yell in anger trying to him off.
"Looks like District 4 brought some fight with them." He smirks then brings down a knife into my thigh making me scream. I'm weaponless and trapped under a body, I'm dead.

|New Chapter coming soon.| ~Tasha X&O's

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