Chapter 21

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Broken Lovers

Chapter 21

"Finnick," a distant voice called. "Wake up, Finnick."

Groaning, I rubbed my eyes and sat up. My face was dripping with sweat, my pyjamas were soaked.

"What's going on?" I mumbled.

"You were screaming. I thought you were hurt so I came to find you," someone said behind me. I whipped around to find Janie sitting at the top of my bed, staring at me intently. I furrowed my eyebrows at her before flopping back down.

"What time is it?" I questioned absent mindedly.

"2:49," she replied.

"Why do you care so much?" I blurted out.

"What?" She asked.

"About me. You care so much about me and I don't even know you. Why bother, there's only one winner. This will end with one if not both of us dead," I said without thinking.

"I made a promise, and I keep my promises," she replied matter-o-factly.

"To who?" I ask, completely lost.

"Annie. I promised her that I would keep you safe. That I would bring you back to District 4 even if it meant killing myself."

My jaw dropped. She is here to protect me, and I'm being this rude to her?

"Why? Don't you want to win?"

"Not in the slightest. I have nothing left at home anymore. My life is over. PPlus you deserve to win. I'll fight till my final breath to bring you home, Finnick. You need to go home to Annie. What you may not understand is that if you die, she dies too," Janie said gently.

I didn't realize that I was crying until I lay on my bed shaking, tears staining my pillow.

"I promise you Finnick, you'll win these games. And I keep my promises."

The last thing I remember is Janie smiling down on me before falling back into a light, restless sleep.


I awoke a second time to small, thin beams of light flooding my eyes. Pushing my hair back, I glanced at the small clock on my nightstand. 6:33. I flopped back down, trying to fall asleep again. I laid there for a while, tossing and turning, helplessly trying to clear my mind.

Eventually giving up on sleep, I walked towards the bathroom. I quickly undressed and stepped into the large glassed in box. Dials and buttons filled most of the left wall. Too fired an confused to care, I jammed my fist into random buttons and the shower sprung to life.

Over half an hour later, I hopped out of the shower clean, dry, and smelling of citrus. Wrapping my body in a soft towel, I exited the bathroom.

Upon entering my room, I noticed a set of clothes later out my bed. I groaned and slipped them on before turning on my heel and walking swiftly to the dining room.

I was the last person out for breakfast, Janie, Mags, and Sashene were already well through their plates when I walked in.

"Food is on the table, dear. Dish up," Mags called. I immediately loaded my plate full of fruit, toast, bacon, and pancakes. Once I was finished, I joined the girls at the table.

"- and that's if you stay alive that long," Mags argued, obviously frustrated.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked.

"What to do after you just enter the games," Janie said. "I think you need to gather supplies from the bloodbath. You won't live that long with no supplies. Weapons, medicine, and things like matches, rope and blankets are our only chance."

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