Chapter 24

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Broken Lovers

Chapter 24

This chapter is dedicated to Callie Anne Roy for being such a supportive reader and always giving me feedback on my writing :)

The rest of the interviews passed quickly. No one really stood out to me. Before I knew it, Janie and I were in the elevator, heading up to our floor.

"You did really well tonight, Finnick," Janie said softly.

"Thanks. You did amazing too. You looked so beautiful in your dress. I'm sure you will have sponsors lining up," I replied truthfully.

A soft blush creeped onto her cheeks. For some reason, this made me smile. She had a tough life. She was so beautiful, but she didn't even know it. A sharp "ding" sounded as we reached the fourth floor. Janie and I exited the elevator slowly.

"Well goodnight, Finnick," Janie smiled.

"Night, Janie," I replied.

"See you tomorrow," she said softly.

"Yea, see you then. As for right now, I'm going to my room and changing out of this monkey suit," I laughed. My throat tightened as I remembered complaining about the same thing before the reaping. Janie's beautiful laugh chimed through the room, placing the smile right back on my face. I pulled her into a quick hug before slowly walking to my bedroom. I shut the door tightly and flicked the lock before stripping out of my suit. I pulled off my tie, jacket, and shirt and layer them nicely on the chest at the foot of my bed. An avox would be around to pick them up and bring them back to Taliana. I pulled off my black dress pants and swapped them with a pair of cotton pyjama pants before flopping down onto the bed. Glancing at the wall, I saw a moonlit Capitol square, bustling with people. The pre game party had begun and it was already at full spin. Grabbing the remote on my bedside table, I began switching though the options. A bright forest appeared on my wall, live with sounds of different animals. I quickly hit the up button and a dry, sun filled desert came into view. I slowly flipped through the options, replacing each image with a new one, usually more repulsive scene than the last. I paused when I came across a certain landscape. My gasped and let the remote fall through my fingers and clatter across the floor. My eyes soon filled with delight and I was grinning at the wall. It was a beach, very similar to the one we had back home. Come to think of it, it was exactly like the one we had at home. I let myself get lost in picture, feeling comfort for the first time in days. Suddenly, two black dots came into the picture. As they came more into focus, I realized they were people, children to be exact. Two young children ran hand in hand along the beach, smiling and laughing. My heart almost stopped as I realize who they were. It was me and Annie. I jumped up off the bed and scrambled to find the remote. I scooped it up and slammed my finger into it, shutting off the wall completely. I chucked the remote at the wall, leaving a huge dent in it. The remote shattered and pieces flew everywhere. I hadn't realized until just now that I was crying. I fell I to the bed and let my body go numb. I cried until no more tears came. I was only crying for the sake of crying now. Suddenly, I heard a soft knock on the door. I wiped the tears off my face quickly before unlocking the door. Upon pulling it open, I found Janie standing on the other side, dressed in a tank top and pants exactly like mine.

"You okay? I heard you crying," she said softly, her blue eyes boring compassionately into mine. Blood rushed to my cheeks, staining them crimson.

"I'm sorry I kept you up," I replied quietly.

"It's okay. I wasn't sleeping anyway. Hard to knowing that tomorrow, I will probably be dead." I nodded slowly but said nothing. I didn't know how to comfort her.

"You want to come for a walk with me? I know a great place to get some fresh air," she said suddenly. "I mean if you don't want to, that's fine, I just-"

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