Chapter 14

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Broken Lovers

Chapter 14

I freeze immediately, my mind goes blank. I was aware that Finnick could have amnesia, but this bad? It can't be true.

"Where am I?" Finnick asked confusedly.

"At the hospital, my dear boy," Dr Matson replied.


"Because Finn, you were in a coma. It's been a month and we've all missed you so much," I whispered hoarsely.

"Why did you miss me? We don't know each other. Come to think of it, I don't know any of you," Finnick said, his voice hard, no emotion evident.

I promised myself that if I ever got the chance, I would beat the life out of those nasty peacekeepers.

"Come children," the doctor announced. "You're stressing him and Finnick needs his rest. You can visit him very soon though."

Once we were outside, Dr Matson pulled the three of us aside.

"Guys, I'm very sorry. I had no idea this was going to happen. At this pace too. I do have good news though. He can be treated. I can contact the president and see if we can get him to the Capitol. The medical professionals should be able to restore his memory 100%."

I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. All air left my lungs and I was soon gasping.

"Should?" Landon asked.

"Well these things are never 100% certain. There's a possibility that it won't work and you'll need to build all new relationships. If you're up for it, I will call the Capitol now"

"Yes, please. That would be great," I answered quietly. Emotions raged through my head, leaving me with a feeling of uncertainty.

"Annie, I would like you to go with him. Finnick's memory will need to be tested and you know him best. It would be of great help"

"Sure, anything! I need him back. The old him," I cried.

Over the next few days, the trip was planned. The three of us spent as much time as possible with Finnick. Even though he didn't remember us, we were always there. He slept for about 20 hours each day, usually awake when we came. Talking to him was a dead point, seeing as he remembered nothing of his past. Of our past. This trip couldn't come soon enough I needed him back more than anything in the world.

We arrived in the Capitol about a week after Finnick woke up. We were staying at President Snow's mansion on special invitation. Dr Matson came with us but he never stayed at the mansion. He was always gone for some unknown reason.

While Finnick was being tested, I wasn't allowed his the room. I would mindlessly wander the mansion, always eager to explore new rooms and corridors. No matter how far you went, there would always be a new adventure for the next day.

One day, the last estimated day of Finnick's treatment, I wandered into an indoor rose garden. Immediately my eyes were drawn to the excessive amount of white roses scattered amongst the greenhouse. Slowly, I crossed the room and gently picked up the one closest to me. I cautiously pressed it to my nose and inhaled the heavy scent. Immediately overwhelmed by the strength, I pulled it away from my face but cradled it in my arms.

"Beautiful aren't they?" Asked a cold voice from behind me.

I quickly spun on my heels to find myself face to face with President Snow.

"Unh... umm... yea," I stuttered.

His snake like eyes glared down at me as he slowly crossed the room.

"I'm sorry," I muttered. "I didn't know... I'm just leaving."

"No child, stay. We need to talk," the president replied. "Please come with me."

I quietly followed him outside into an outdoor addition to the garden. We walked along the winding bushes in silence for a few minutes before we reached a large clearing. Off to one side was a large, throne like chair. In the middle lie a small square table with 4 chairs around it. He motioned me towards the table in the centre before going to seat himself. I anxiously followed, wondering why we had to be this secluded to talk. I doubt anyone could find us out here, and I think that's exactly what he wants.

"Annie, my dear," President Snow said at last. "Can you please explain what happened?"

"Umm okay," I replied cautiously. "We were called into the hospit-"

"Please start at the beginning. If I want to understand this, I need to know exactly what happened."

"Okay. It all started about 6 weeks ago," I said. Slowly, I told him the whole story. He listened intently as i spoke, careful to hang on to every word. His snake like eyes looked like nothing more than slits when I explained about the peacekeepers who tried to kill him. He patiently listened without interrupting the whole time. A few tears rolled down my cheeks as I told him about the coma. I finished with Dr Matson explaining that something could be done for him.

The president stared at me for many minutes but he stayed silent.

"Where was this mountain?" He finally asked.

Not knowing the name, I told him about the mountain we were on. I attempted to explain where it was and what it looked like. I didn't need to talk much before he knew where we were.

"Annie," he snarled. "What did these two peacekeepers look like?"

Thinking back, I described in detail what the two men's appearances.

"Oh the nerve," Snow shouted.


"That is it. I'm done! Annie, these two peacekeepers are murderers. They kill so many people by punishing them for fake laws. That mountain isn't out of bounds! They had no right to hurt Finnick. Believe me, dear. This ends here. Justice will be served to these two foul creatures."

"Why are you doing all this. As much as I appreciate it, I don't understand," I whispered.

"Because Annie, I care dearly for you."

Noticing my puzzled look, he continued.

"I'm guessing you don't know much about your mothers side of the family. That explains why you don't know me. Your mother passed away when you were 5, correct? I remember that funeral, I was there. Sad day for me as much as you," he stated.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"Annie, your mother was my niece. My favourite niece in fact. I loved her more than I loved my own kids. She was perfect. You remind me so much of her and I saw the same look of pain that you have now on her face so many years ago. Annie, you're my great niece and I'll do anything to protect you."

Hope you enjoyed. 4 likes/votes for chapter 15. Feedback is appreciated. Love ya :D

~Annabeth Mockingjay Weasley

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