Chapter 77

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Chapter 77 of Broken Lovers
After his head falls to the ground the monsters flee. They were here for only one person, Landon. "NO!" I scream. Tears blur my vision and my whole body shakes. Crawling over to my best friend's dead body I continue to scream, I scream until I make myself physically sick and that's when the deafening silence begins.

*Finnick's PoV*
16 are already dead. The next deaths will have some time between them now or else the capital will get mad at how short the games will be. Annie is stuck on that maze for who knows how long. Landon was supposed to be with her longer, to keep her strong.
"I need her to come out alive." I cry to Maggs.
"We will help her to our greatest abilities but you need to prepare yourself Finnick." She replies.
"I just lost my last best friend who was alive. I cannot and will not, prepare myself to say goodbye to my only love."

*Annie's PoV*
I manage to stand up and begin to walk. The lights in the maze have come on, it's day time now. Seeing as there is no nature here I have to figure out how to get back to the Cornucopia.  Tonight 4 new people will appear in the sky and one of them will be Landon.
The maze is confusing but my mind and legs manage to take me back to last nights hiding spot. I look down and see Landon and I's packs. Going on my knees I crawl into the small cave of the wall and lie down in the single blanket we had, I can still smell Landon's scent where he laid. 
"You need to come out of this Annie." I hear a voice say. Panicked I look around for the source of the voice but no one us found. "You will die Annie." Still looking around for the person I again find no one. Am I going crazy? Was that my own voice? What are these voices? "You are a killer." "All who you love are dead."

Night finds me and so does the anthem and faces.
District Three, Olive
District Four. Landon
District Seven, Theo
District Eleven, Markus
The final eight and its only the second night. How will they drag this out? My dad will be interviewed soon, what will he say?
*One day passes*
I haven't left this cave. I haven't eaten nor drank. Moving seems impossible, as does speech. I have no one to talk to but the voices in my head. They continually unhinge me with the hellish realities of my life. My whole body feels numb while my mind is fully alive, or the host inside my mind is fully alive, I'm not sure.
"Hiding are we?" A voice that should've made my jump doesn't even effect me. Turning my blank gaze away from the wall I look around and meet the eyes of a boy.
"Go away." I say simply.
"No scream, No running at me with that knife? Nothing?" He looks disappointed.
"You don't want to be near me right now." I state.
"These are The Hunger Games; I think you know what's about to come but you're in denial."  He smirks.
"You can try to kill me but you will regret it." I reply quietly. He just shakes his head and comes at me with the long spear but my body somehow moves lightening fast and I'm out of that cave dodging the blade and running at him with my knife.
He moves swiftly as he just misses my blade. We swiftly and quietly battle each other but we both have the same strengths making the fight difficult. After a few exhausting moments I see an opening and take it, leaping I jump onto his back, locking my legs tightly around his torso and taking my knife and ripping across his neck with my blade, he drops to the ground dead. Getting off the ground and his body, I clean my bloody blade on his shirt.
"No one is taking my life away except for me, it's the one last life I can save." I whisper at the dead body on the ground. Taking my pack, I put it on my back and head into the maze ready to hunt.

|I'm so sorry I haven't updated for a while!! School has taken over my life but I'm hoping to finish this story before June! So get ready for the soon coming end!| ~Tasha

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2016 ⏰

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