Chapter 34

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Broken Lovers
Chapter 34

Annie's PoV

I slowly pulled my mouth from his, gazing deeply into his sea foam green irises.
"I love you," he breathlessly whispered.
"I love you too," I replied, slipping my hand into his. "Lets go see the others."
I moved to his side, never letting go of his hand. Our feet padded against the pavement as we walked through the parted crowd with only four faces on our minds. There, standing at the end of the part, were Landon, Lane, Ariella, and Jendaiya.
A huge grin formed on Finnicks face as he took notice of them. We quickened our pace and were soon ambushed in a huge group hug. I really did love these guys, all of them.
Ariella let tears of happiness fall down her face as she clung to Finnick. He released my hand and wrapped his arms around her, whispering something in her ear that I couldn't make out. A pang of jealousy rippled through me. That should be me in his arms, not her. He loved me, not her.
He soon released her and we all stood in a circle, grinning happily. Finnick slung his arm around my waist, pulling my body into his. He gained a lot of muscle in the arena. It made up for all the weight he lost from under eating.
The raging crowd soon grew impatient, screaming and closing in on us. Before we were completely surrounded, we ran for the stage of the Justice Building. We raced up the steps, being heavily pursued by the mob of citizens.
A single microphone stood in centre stage, right at the front. Realization dawned on Finnick and he slowly walked towards it.
The crowd silenced, everyone eager to hear whatever Finnick was going to say.
"District 4!" He boomed. "It's so great to be home. I've missed this place like you would not believe."
The crowd went crazy. Everyone clapped, letting out screams of appreciation.
"The careers tried to make their point that we weren't careers anymore, but we showed them! I'm Finnick Odair, victor of the 65th annual Hunger Games. Here's to District 4, the best district in all of Panem!"
If the crowd could get any louder, it did. Even some of the on duty peacekeepers were cheering for Finnick.
He slowly crossed back over to us, motioning for us to leave first. We pushed our way through the crowd, weaving through the cheering District people. Once emerging from the sea of people, we walked slowly along the dirt road towards our neighbourhood. I linked my hand with Finnick's as we walked, slowly swinging them between us. Words didn't need to be exchanged for us to communicate. All we wanted was to be with each other.
"See you guys tomorrow!" Lane called from the doorway of his house. Behind him, Landon grinned, waving his hand in the air.
"Meet you at the corner?" I asked.
"Like always," Landon confirmed.
The door swung shut and the four of us continued to walk.
We reached Ariella and Jendaiya's turn off within a minute. They walked happily away, calling out goodbyes and waving. I grinned as they turned away, knowing I was finally alone with Finnick.
"I missed you so much," I whispered.
"It couldn't have been more than I missed you," he replied, grabbing my other hand and pulling me close. "You were the only reason I survived. My only motivation. Every time I was ready to give up, I saw your face and was filled with the motivation and drive to finish what I started."
"When you got tortured, I almost died. Knowing you were hurt and there was nothing I could do to save you was the worst feeling I've ever had."
"I love you, Annie. More than anything."
He placed his hands on my waist and leaned down to kiss me. The spark I felt when our lips touched was undeniable. The feeling it brought me was truly indescribable. It was like a drug from me. I was addicted. I would love him for as long as I lived, no doubt about it. He was mine, and I was so lucky to have him. I just hoped he felt the same way.

~Annabeth Mockingjay Weasley

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