Chapter 65

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Chapter 65 of Broken Lovers
*Natasha's PoV*
The pedestal finishes going up and I am now in the arena. Looking around I see the Cornucopia in the middle of all of us tributes. It's filled with weapons, food and supplies. I franticly look for Lane and I finally find him just as the countdown begins.
He got us into the careers alliance
You have to make it to the final 8
This is your last chance to make your mark
Don't let go of your humanity
Don't let go of the love you have for this boy
Protect yourself and him as long as you can
Get ready to run

*Annie's PoV*
The arena looks like a huge field, I've never seen one like it before. There is one pond and the rest is all different types of fields that will offer hiding places. But I bet my life that there are different deadly traps in each field.
The bloodbath is terrible to watch. Natasha has already killed one boy and Lane has killed two tributes, a boy and a girl. I watch the career alliance join as each of them a kill, proving themselves to the others.

*Natasha's PoV*
He came for me faster than anything. He was from District 12. I grabbed my knife and drove it through his heart. The District two girl was watching the whole time, seeing if I really was career material I guess.
"Okay there is one source of water and it's a ways from here. So either we claim the water or the cornucopia." Luke announces after the bloodbath is finished and 11 tributes are dead.
"I say we head for the water. We get as much as much we can from here then head out." The District girl says.
"Alright let's get ready then." Lane says and soon we are grabbing weapons and supplies.
"What are all their names?" I ask Lane as we get ready to leave.
"Luke and Ali are District 2, Liam and Andrea are District 1, and then you and I."
"Why aren't we with District 3?"
"I don't know, Luke makes the rules and decided they weren't trustworthy."

We managed to get all we needed and make it to the pond. Either the other tributes didn't make it here yet or they did and are now hiding from us.
"This openness makes me feel like a sitting duck." I say as we sit around the fire we made.
"I agree, some trees would've been nice." Ali replies.
"We just need to watch each other's backs and we'll be fine." Luke cuts in.
"Lane and I will take the first watch."
"Sounds good to me."
It starts to get dark and the others ends up falling asleep before the death count. Lane stays quite not wanting to talk. Soon enough the announcement comes and we learn of those who are dead.
Both District 3 tributes are probably killed by Luke.
District 5 girl
District 6 boy
District 9 girl
Both District 10
Both District 11
And both District 12
"Only 13 of us left." Lane whispers.
"Only 5 to go..."
"Why are we waiting until the final 8?" He whispers again.
"Because we both will actually mean something by that time."
"I can't kill another person Natasha." Before I answer a rustle in the grass behind us silences me. Lane looks directly in my eyes and puts a finger to his lips. We both silently grab out weapons and ready ourselves.

|The Games have begun! Please don't kill me for the bad writing in this chapter, today is just an off day for me. But maybe vote and comment and the next chapter will be nice and long! ~Tasha
Also please fallow me! As you know I'm finishing this story for Hannah (R5FamilyFreak) so maybe you can fallow me @HidingWithinThePages , I have a new short story up called "Promise Me" maybe give it a read? Love you all!|

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