Chapter 43

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Broken Lovers
Chapter 43

That night, we all stayed at my house. The new twist with this years reaping left an uneasy feeling over all of us. I knew deep down Snow made sure Ariella was the volunteer. I just didn't know why.
I slept in Landon's arms all night. My dreams were invaded by haunting images of what tomorrow would bring. Every time I woke up screaming, Landon would pull me tighter to him and whisper to me until I fell back into another restless sleep. I wasn't the only one.

Dawn broke seemingly earlier that morning. Traces of pink and orange illuminated the dark sky, the copper sun slowly rising.
I pulled myself away from Landon's sleeping body, and slowly creeped out of the basement. I just made it to the stairs when I heard a voice whisper from behind me.
"Annie? Where are you going?"
"Hey, Landon. I was actually going to go for a walk. I need to clear my head before the Capitol people come with the cameras," I said quietly.
"Can I come?"


We walked hand in hand along the beach, our feet moulding into the wet sand as we walked. Gentle waves beat against our ankles, the cool, salty water spraying our shorts.
"It's gonna be okay, Ann. I promise," Landon said.
"Landon, this is the Hunger Games. Nothing about it is okay."
"We will all be fine. Ariella doesn't have to volunteer. She's safe. So are the rest of us," he reasoned.
"I just can't lose you guys. Two years ago, this was me and Finnick. We loved each other, but the games changed him. What if you're reaped? I can't lose you too," I whispered, tears pooling in my eyes.
"Annie," he replied, stopping immediately. I turned to face him. "You'll never lose me. There's nothing in the world that will ever make me stop loving you. Ever. If I go into the games today, I will come back. I have too much here that's important for me to just give up. I have you here, and that's all the motivation I need."
Tears began streaming down my face.
"I love you, Landon."
"I love you too, Annie," he whispered, leaning down to kiss me. I pulled him tighter to me, enjoying his presence. Cause all that mattered was each other. Living everyday for moments like this. I loved him, more than anything else in the world. That's all that mattered.


"Black or brown?" I asked Natasha, holding up two pairs of flats.
"Brown," she replied immediately. "They match your belt."
I nodded in agreement, slipping them onto my feet before giving myself a once-over in the mirror. I adjusted my knee-length flowy dress, tightening the knot resting on my neck. I repositioned the pin holding in my two small braids, connected briefly at the back of my head before getting lost in the thick brown waves.
"Ready to go?" Natasha asked from behind me, straightening out her pale blue dress.
"Yea," I sighed. "Lets go."


The second I saw the Justice Building, I froze.
"Annie, come on," Landon said, tugging on my hand.
"Ann, nothing bad is gonna happen," Lane repeated, ushering me ahead forcefully.
"Look, I don't know what it is, but something's gonna happen today. This isn't a normal reaping, plus the president has an axe to grind with me," I grumbled.
As Landon offered his hand to the peacekeepers at the table, he said, "Just relax, Annie. We're all gonna be fine."
"That's what we said right before Finnick was reaped," I muttered, inaudible to anyone but myself.

I absentmindedly allowed the lady to prick my finger, watching the thick, dark, red liquid slowly ooze out. She pressed it on the paper before scanning it and allowing me to leave.
"Bye, see you guys soon!" Natasha called to the twins, waving as they turned away. The remaining four if us walked over to the 15 year old girl section.
"It will be over soon. I promise," Natasha whispered in my ear.
Natasha had become a sister to me. We were best friends, no doubt about it. Although we had only known each other for less than two years, I was way closer with her than I was with Ariella and Jendaiya, although I lived them all.
"War, terrible war. Widows, orphans, a motherless child..." The deep voice of President Snow boomed, shaking me back into reality. My eyes darted around nervously, my breathing rapidly increased as each second passed.
The mayor slowly read the Treaty of Treason, but I just squeezed my eyes shut and focused on calming myself.
"District 4, the time had one to select one brave young man and woman to compete in the 67th annual Hunger Games! To mix it up a bit, lets start with the boys!" Sashene grinned, prancing across the stage. She returned with a single slip of paper.
She opened her mouth to speak, but Will immediately cut her off. "I volunteer!"
He, a large 18 year old with black hair and far too many muscles, strode confidently up onto the stage, just as Sashene was selecting the female tribute. My breath hitched in my throat. This was it.
"Jendaiya Jackson!"
I gasped. Horrified, I watched Jendaiya nervously begin walking towards the edge if the crowd. Ariella rushed after her.
"I volunteer!" She cried, her voice strained.
"No! I want to go!" Jendaiya argued, turning to face Ariella.
"No. I can't let you go! Let me take your place!" Ariella begged, tears welling in her eyes.
"Ari, no. I won't let you die for me!"
"Jen, I'm going. Please, just go back. Be safe."
The girls were both crying at this point. They moved together, wrapping their arms around each other in a hug. Peacekeepers moved in, trying to pull them apart. Two of them dragged a screaming Ariella away, while the others escorted Jendaiya to the stage.
"NOOOOO!" Ariella screamed. "I volunteer! Please don't take her! I volunteer!"
"ARIELLA!" Jendaiya yelled. "Let go of me! Get off of me! Let me see her. ARIELLA!"

I fought the tears from my eyes, clinging helplessly to Natasha as I watched two of my best friends worlds fall apart. The peacekeepers dragged Jendaiya into the Justice Building, and the others left Ariella weeping in a limp ball on the ground.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, your tributes from District 4!"

Sorry for the long wait. Hope you enjoyed. Please like/vote and leave feedback :D
~Annabeth Mockingjay Weasley

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