Chapter 27

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Broken Lovers

Chapter 27

Finnicks PoV

A soft gasp escaped my lips as I recognized my attacker. It was Glint, the male career tribute from District 1.

"Well, well, well," he grinned, spinning a large sliver sword in his large calloused hands. "Look who I found. Depressed lover boy from District 4. Titan will reward my greatly for finding your little hiding spot."

Glint didn't move from his spot. He stood there, arrogantly boasting about how everyone would look up to him once he brought me back to their headquarters. Studying Glint, I noticed how little of a chance I stood against him. His towering frame stood about 6 feet tall; his face portrayed a permanent scowl. He wasn't near a ripped as Titan, but he sure looked strong. His cropped dirty blond hair was dripping with water, striking my curiosity. Where had they found water?

"Now Odair," he taunted, smirking at me. "I think I'm going to kill you myself. Even Titan will have to acknowledge my superiority if I am the one to kill you. But first, I want to know more about this Annie character. When I win these games, I will need to find myself a wife. She seems like my kind of girl."

Anger flared inside of me, I was ready to cry I felt so much rage. My blood boiled in my veins as he smirked at me, knowing he hit me in the exact spot he had to. He wouldn't touch her. He wouldn't lay a fricking finger on her. Not now, not ever.

"Oops, did I hit a nerve?" He laughed. "You know Odair, I can have any girl I want. When i win, I think I'll go to District 4 and meet Annie and if she is as perfect as you described her, I will force her to marry me. Perks of being a victor I guess."

I was ready to charge him, weaponless or not. As stupid as he was, he sure could read me like a book. Immediately, a plan popped into my head.

"You won't touch her. You'll never even meet her," I snarled.

"Oh yea, is that so? How on earth do you plan to keep me away from her?"

"I don't need to. You need to become victor first, and we both know that's never going to happen. Also, Annie, along with all her other amazing qualities, has common sense. She would never even look at a stupid, ugly loser like you."

His face reddened with each insult I said. By the position of his feet, he was ready to charge me, which was exactly what I wanted.

"You'll never be the victor, Glint. Not while Titan is still breathing," I said.

"Well after I kill you, I guess he will be next. Nothing will stop me from winning this, its what I was born to do. I am destined to win this! I've trained my whole life for this moment, and im not losing it to some love sick, scrawny little freak like you!" He screamed before breaking out in a run.

I held my ground, needing to make my move at the right second or everything would fall to crap. I bent my knees, looking like I was about to charge him back before I began counting.

I began doubting my plan as Glint neared me. Maybe he wasn't as thick as I believed. If he caught on to what I was about to do, I was as good as dead.

He was less than a meter away from me when I made my move. He extended his arms in attempt to grab me, but I had expected that and planned around it. I dove under his arm in the direction of our cave. Since Glint didn't have time to register what had happened yet, he continued to run. His large body slammed into the wall with such a force that he flipped over the cement. His screams filled the air as he was free falling towards the ground. He hit the ground with a large crack, and a cannon immediately followed.

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