Chapter 35

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Broken Lovers

Chapter 35

I kept my mouth pressed tightly with his until my lungs were fully deprived of oxygen. He slowly moved his mouth back, creating a gap. I opened my eyes to find his staring deeply into mine.

He pulled me tighter to his chest, hiding his face in the crook of my neck. I breathed in the sweet aroma seeping from his clothes.

"Be my girlfriend?" He breathily whispered in my ear.

"Yes," I replied softly.

He pried his body from mine and moved into the middle of the gravel road.

He began running down the street, gaining momentum. He flipped in the air, landing firmly on his feet. Finnick let out a cry of happiness, shouting loud enough for all of District 4 to hear.

He sprinted back to me, locking his arms around my waist. I clung to his neck just as he lifted me up, spinning me around.

I laughed happily, resting my neck on his shoulder. He pressed a warm kiss to the spot where my neck met my cheekbone before setting me back on the ground.

"Come on, I'll walk you home."

We walked down the street, hand in hand, laughing happily. The warm May air swirled around us, ruffling the leaves on the trees nearby. The sun sank in the sky, the navy colours chasing the oranges out of the sky.

To my immense dislike, we soon arrived at my house.

Finnick followed me in, evidently catching on that I wasn't ready for him to leave yet. I quietly latched my bedroom door, attempting to conceal our arrival from my father.

I flopped down on the bed, all of my remaining energy immediately fading away.

Finnick laid down beside me, fully stretching out on my small twin bed. I curled up beside him, resting my head on his chest. He enveloped me in his arms, brining me comfort. He leaned in, pressing a small kiss to my lips before holding me tighter to him. I slowly drifted off, counting the times his chest rose and fell.

I woke slowly to the rays of sun filling my room. I peeled my eyes open, yawning quietly. Disappointment struck me as I realized that I was alone.

I rubbed my eyes, climbing out of bed. I grabbed a soft purple v-neck and a pair of jean short shorts before trudging my way to the shower.

Half an hour later I emerged from the bathroom, ready for another day at the academy. I pulled my long brown hair over my shoulders as I slipped on a pair of Aphrodite sandals. I slung my bag over my shoulders before pushing the door open and heading downstairs.

I pulled to front door open just as Lane reached out to knock.

"Morning," I greeted, scanning the crowd for my golden haired boyfriend.

"Morning to you too, miss Odair," Lane replied.

I playfully glared at him, rolled my eyes and looked away.

A protective arm wrapped around my waist.

"You're just jealous," Finnick laughed, planting a peck on my cheek.

"Oh totally," Lane mocked.

We all laughed as we headed down the street, eager to begin another day of training.

Finnick's PoV

My morning trudged forward, every minute of History of Panem feeling like hours.

The warts class, hands down, was electives, because I took tridents on Tuesdays, without Annie.

I let out a breath of relief when lunch arrived. I raced to our lockers, eager to meet Annie.

"Hey beautiful," a high pitched voice greeted me from behind.

I spun, expecting to find Annie, and came face to face with Lane. He continued doing mocking impressions of my girlfriend, sending Landon, Ariella, Jendaiya, and Annie into fits of laughter. Wait, Annie?

"Not funny, dude!" I cried, moving to Annie's side.

"Completely...... Hilarious," Annie managed, clutching her hips. "He does such a good impression of you!"


My response sent everyone into another body racking fit of laughter.

"Lets go," I grumbled, clutching Annie's hand.

I led her into the cafeteria, plopping down at the nearest table. I scowled as everyone continued to laugh, gasping from a shortage of breath. I couldn't help but laugh with them as u watched Annie trying to hide the fact she was enjoying this.

I soon felt a soft tap on the back.

I whipped around to find Tanisha Louis standing there.

"Hey, Finnick. I was like wondering if you wanted to come way with us?" She asked, pointing towards a table containing the rest of the Fire Team.

"I... Umm... Uhh.." I stuttered, searching for a polite way to say no.

"He'd love to," Annie replied happily, a big grin still on her face. She leaned into my ear, whispering. "Go. You're a victor now. Things will have to change."

I rose from my seat, nervously following Tanisha away from my friends.

I love Fannie <3

~Annabeth Mockingjay Weasley

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