Chapter 76

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Chapter 76 of Broken Lovers

My leg aches as we run but it's the last thing that I'm going to worry about in this very second. Within the two minutes we've been running there are about five of us all running together with Landon and I in the lead. We all have been driven out of our beloved hiding places.

"They aren't going to stop chasing us until we start killing each other." I yell to him.

"We can't just-"

"These are The Hunger Games Landon! We can kill them" I yell as I take my long knife. Swinging my arm to my left I hit the girl who first came running to us. She screams and slows down while grasping her arm getting taken quickly by the mutts and torn apart. Her screams fallow us as the four of us run.  Once we all notice the mutts stopped to devour that girl we stop immediately and turn on each other.

Landon takes down the boy from District 7 while the boy from 11 comes at me. He uses his strength to take me down to the ground but while we fall I sink my blade into his head with the force of my arm. Once my body and his dead body hit the ground I quickly get him off me and go to help Landon but he's already taken care of him.

"We just killed them... We were all running for our lives together." He whispers.

"There was no choice. I'd rather die by another human's hand then by a mutation of the capital." After I finish we hear the sounds of the mutts again. 

"They think it's time for one of us to die now." Landon voices my thoughts.

"I won't kill you." I almost shout.

"Then we better run like hell."

We take off down the endless passage way and within seconds they are on our heels again, ready to devour us. I run beside Landon making sure that if it comes to it, I can push him ahead and let them take my already damaged body. My legs don't fail to pick up more speed, which seemed humanly impossible before but now at deaths door anything is possible.  Looking behind for only a second the worst possible thing happens, we hit a dead end. My body smashes into the hard metal of the maze and so does Landon's.

"NO!" I scream as a scramble to get up with my knife in hand and my small light in the other. Landon is up now too and we face the mutts who stopped a few feet before the mall that hit. I look at the monster's and see the blood of the girl on their skin.

"There's only 4 of them. We can each take two." Landon pants.

"Whatever you do Landon, don't die."

"Can't make you any promises." And with that we both race towards the monsters ready to kill.

I take one down to ground with my knife in it's chest. The scream that comes out of it sounds like Lanes making me jump off of it.

"How can you sound like him?" I sob, but all it does is get back up and come after me again. Using all my rage I somehow mange to stab the thing to death. Looking down at my fallen enemy I realize only one came after me which means.... Lane has three on him.

Spinning around I see my best friend using all his strength to fight off the three. I run to attack one but it uses its unhuman strength to throw me off and into the hard wall knocking the wind out me.

*Third Person Pov*

She hit the ground and all the breath left her. "This is it." She thought thinking the monster would finish her off. But instead it helped its partners take Landon.

She tried getting off the ground but something kept her down. It was like someone was pressing down on her chest keeping her from getting up.

Two monsters held him against the wall while the other slowly came up to him with it's razor teeth. Landon knew this was it. He would be with Lane soon and instead of his scream inside the mutt he would hear his brother's laugh.

Looking into his broken friends eyes he passed his love and strength into her, silently telling her she would be okay. She was broken yes, but she would get out of this arena and some day make him and all the loved ones taken from her proud. Annie would make it.

Breaking their eye contact he closed his eyes as the monster ripped his head off taking his life and unhinging the last bit of sanity and humanity left in Annie's mind.

|This chapter was something I really wanted to put off but it had to be written. For all you writers out there, you know what it's like to have one of your favourite character's die...

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Expect a new one soon. And in the pervious chapter I had written that only 11 tributes died.... Yeah there's something wrong with my counting skills, there were actually 12 that died. Sorry!! | ~Tasha XXOO

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