Chapter 33

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Broken Lovers

Chapter 33

Numbness washed over me. I had won, which was great, but it had come at a great price. Losing people so close to my heart made winning a shallow victory.

A hovercraft soared overhead, a compartment groaning open, dropping a ladder down. I climbed on and squeezed my body tightly to the rope. I pressed my eyes shut, hoping that the next time I opened then, I would be out of that world of nightmares forever.

When I finally force my eyes open, I find myself in a large white room, with people in lab coats bustling around ad pressing buttons on various machines. I feel a sharp pinch in my arm before my world slowly faded to black.

I slowly awoke to a soft, rhythmic beeping noise.

Beep.... Beep.... Beep....

I wasn't sure where I was, or what was going on, but I knew that I was glad to be awake from the horrible nightmare I had just awoken from. I had gone into the Hunger Games, suffered a lot of pain, and lost people close to my heart. I was just happy it was over.

"Mr Odair? Are you awake?" A voice asked. It sounded like a soft whisper floating through the wind.

My eyes fluttered open to find a tall, middle aged woman hovering over me.

"Oh praise the gods," I heard her mutter. I wasn't sure exactly who she was, but she made me uncomfortable. I needed to find Annie.

I braced my hands on the bed and slowly attempted to raise my body off the metal table I was on.

"Please lay back down, Mr Odair. You need to rest," the lady ordered.

"Where am I?"

"The training centre hospital."

"Why?" I asked. "What's going on?"

"Do you remember anything?"

I lightly shook my head, furrowing my brow and staring intently at her.

Slowly, she explained the events of the last week. Everything she said matches my dream perfectly, which could only mean one thing. It wasn't a dream.

"One thing you should know mr Odair, is, umm," she mumbled.

"What?" I demanded.

"Well, you see. The medical team was working very hard on you for the past few hours and we were able to cover up every scar but one..."

I slowly raised my arms, examining them closely. Every scar I had, whether from the arena or life in District 4, was gone. A quiet gasp escaped my lips as I stared in awe at myself. When examining my hands, I realized what she had been talking about. Carved deeply into my palm was a swollen, bright pink letter "T".

I squeezed my eyes shut, attempting to hold back the tears. The arena had broken me in every way possible. I was physically exhausted, I was mentally shattered, and emotionally unstable.

"Mr Odair?" The lady said quietly.

"Yea?" I whispered.

"Your prep team will be here any minute. I've called President Snow, letting him know you woke up. The victory interview will take place in a few hours.

I nodded my head, not trusting myself enough to speak.

The padding of her shoes on the floor got fainter and fainter until it was non existent.

Thoughts and emotions whirled around in my head like a tornado. I felt happy that I won, ecstatic to go home, but I felt guilty for all the lives lost. In 6 short months, I would be touring around Panem, meeting all the families of the lost tributes.

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