Chapter 17

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Broken Lovers

Chapter 17

Finnick, Jendaiya, Ariella, and the twins, and I were slowly leaving the square when we were stopped by two irregularly dressed peacekeepers. These ones were personal guards of the president.

"Miss Cresta," the first man said. "Your presence has been requested by President Snow immediately."

Confused, I glanced slowly at each of my friends before taking a slow step forward.

"Well guys, I guess I will see you all later. I will meet you guys at Finnick's house as soon as I can," I announced quietly before leaving with the peacekeepers.

I was escorted to the Justice Hall, then into one of the rooms they use for the reaping farewells. When the doors were pushed open, I came face to face with the black, snake like eyes of my "great uncle".

The dying words of Ms Brooks washed over me, flooding my body with anxiety. Should I trust him? Was he really only manipulating me? What do I do?

"Welcome, Annie. Please take a seat," he said, motioning for his guards to leave.

I slowly sat down in the seat farthest away from him as I possibly could without seeming rude.

"Now my dear, I have a proposition for you," he continued. "I want you to come live in the Capitol with me."

"No!" I immediately shouted.

"No?" He asked, sounding slightly hurt at the speed of my refusal.

"I mean, I can't leave District 4, it's my home. All my friends live here, it's where I grew up. I can't leave my dad either. I'm really sorry, but I'm not leaving."

"Annie," the president said flatly, all the compassion immediately disappearing from his voice. "You can't just turn me down like that. I'm the ruler of this nation, plus I'm family. I want you to come, now please don't turn me down again, Jessica!" He shouted.

"Jessica... that's my moms name. You had the same argument with her didn't you?" I snapped.

"Annie, I'm sorry. It just slipped, okay. Please forgive me," he asked, the emotion was evident in his voice again.

"I'm not coming and that's final! It's my life and I will live it how and where I want to," a screamed.

"You don't always get the choice of how, Annie. Mark my words, you will wish you never refused my offer," he snarled.

"I'm not my mother! I love it here and you can't hurt me! I'm stronger than you because I have people that stand with me out of free will, not cause they are forced. You'll never know what it is like to be human, uncle. I love my life and I'm not gonna change it!"

I was on my feet now, screaming at President Snow as loud as I could.

"Don't call me that, Annie. You're no family of mine. Mark my words Annie, you're life is over. Killing you would be too easy, but you'll wish for death when I'm done with you. I will take everything important to you and watch you suffer!"

"Go to hell!" I demanded before turning on my heel and storming from the Justice Hall.

Ignoring my earlier plans, I ran straight to my house, I never stopped sprinting until I had collapsed on my bed.

What have I done?

*1 year and 9.5 months later*

Day of the 65th annual Hunger Games Reaping

"It's okay, I can do this," I whispered to myself, staring into my mirror.

I wasn't worried about my odds in the reaping, seeing as I was only entered twice, but of how the president had rigged it. He promised me he would take everything important from me and watch me suffer, which means everyone I love is now in grave danger. He hasn't done anything to me since that visit almost two years ago. I have been dreading this day for a long time, as its the perfect way for him to strike subtly.

I pushed my thoughts aside and began searching through outfits that are considered appropriate for a reaping.

I eventually decided on a flowy spaghetti strap white dress that goes down to my knees. It is cinched at the waist with a thick black belt. I clasped on a pearl necklace, which was a gift from my father for my tenth birthday. I let my waist length brown hair fall in soft waves down my back and grabbed a pair of black flats.

After checking my outfit over one final time, I exited my room.

"You look beautiful," my father complimented as I reached the kitchen.

"Thanks," I smiled, a blush creeping up onto my cheeks. "I have to go now, I'm meeting everyone at Finnick's house so we can all go to the reaping together. I will see you after Dad, love you." I pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before leaving the house.

I walked silently along the road to Finnick's house. Glancing around, none if the usual kids were playing outside this morning. This was a grim day for more than just myself.

I soon arrived at Finnick's, taking my time so my outfit and hair would still look good. After I walked in, everyone was there. I was embraced by everyone, ending with Landon. We all made small talk, mainly the boys complaining about being stuck in these "monkey suits". Ariella, Jendaiya, and myself laughed at their discomfort for although we didn't prefer this type of clothing, we could still wear it gracefully.

All too soon, the whistle blew from the square, signalling everyone to the reaping.

None of us spoke as we stood up, fear overcoming all of us. I never told anyone about what the president actually wanted, for I feared they would leave me in order to protect themselves. I hated lying to them but I couldn't lose them.

I grabbed Finnick and Landon's hands, who soon reached put to grab everyone else.

Hand in hand, the six of us exited Finnick's house an left for the reaping.

"I will see you guys all real soon," Landon announced after we signed in. "We will have a celebratory party at my house for another year safe from the games. Everyone smiled except me for I knew that was a lie, and I would definitely lose someone I loved today.

I silently followed Jendaiya and Ariella to the 13 year old girl section, keeping my head low and my mouth shut.

Soon, the mayor began reading the treaty of treason to us. I tuned it out, as I have heard it more times than I can count. Soon, our Capitol escort rose and pranced towards the microphone.

"Welcome ladies and gentleman to the reaping for the 65th annual hunger games! My name is Sashene Marco and may I just say, it is such an honour to be here right now. I love district 4 and I think this year, we will have the victor! Now, without further a due, lets begin as always, ladies first!" Her shrill voice announced.

Her ridiculous heels clunked across the stage to one of the large glass bowls. She dove her hand in and swished it around before pinching one between her fingers and yanking her hand out. She danced across the stage to the microphone and slowly unfolded the paper.

My heart beat hard in my chest, threatening to jump out. My two best girl friends could have their name written on that piece of paper because of me. Their death sentence would be completely my fault.

"Janie Lynn"

My stress levels lower slightly because three of us are safe, but three are still in jeopardy. I squeeze Ariella's hand as she returns with the boy name. She pulls the paper open slowly and shouts

"Finnick Odair."

My heart shatters into millions of pieces. I feel each shard slowly, painfully break off. The biggest, best part of my life is being torn away from me. I loved Finn more than life itself and now he has to die because of my actions.if I had just done it, gone with him, this wouldn't be happening. I'm such a horrible person. The president was right, I did want my own death more than this.

Tears well up in my eyes as he walks towards the stage. He quickly shakes hands with Janie before they are both ushered into the justice building.

Super long chapter in attempt to make up for my lack of updates. I am done school now so update she come a lot more frequent :)

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~Annabeth Mockingjay Weasley

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