Chapter 3

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Broken Lovers

Chapter 3

I started intently at the foreign boy, unsure of what to say. His sea foam green eyes peered into my piercing green eyes. It felt as though he was gazing into my soul, into all my darkest secrets.

Finally, Finnick broke the endless silence. "Annie, are you alright to walk?"

I nodded my head slowly, wanting nothing more than to be at home, burrowed deep under my blankets, my father lying close beside me. I groaned and tried to stand.

With great effort, Finnick was able to lift me to my feet. Dizziness washed over me like a wave, causing me to stumble back. Immediately, his arms were there to catch me before I made impact with the sand.

"You sure you're okay to walk?" He chuckled.

I nodded my head, attempting another step forward. I stumbled forward, Finnick's thin but firm arms snaking around my waist. With his help, we slowly made our way across the beach. As we reached the tree line surrounding the beach, a reporter jogged through, a heavily equipped camera crew following close behind her. I would have fallen right back to the ground if Funnick's reassuring arms hasn't been around me. The lady scurried toward us and started a casual conversation. Soon, the reporter started firing questions at us and snapping pictures, Drilling Finnick and I for answers. I let Finnick do all the talking. If he wasn't there, god knows what I would have done. Oh right, I wouldn't be here. He saved my life. The pounding in my head was getting worse every second I was standing upright, the pain in my chest becoming sharper and more frequent. I wrapped one of my hands around Finnick's, attempting to send him the nonverbal message I couldn't do it anymore. I needed her to leave. He looked compassionately into my eyes and nodded, pulling me closer. He dismissed the lady, telling her we were done. She thanked us graciously, bowing quickly before scurrying up the dirt path, her crew close on her heels. As soon as we were alone, I collapsed into the sand, spreading out on the sand. Finnick laid down beside me, his body pressed up onto mine.

"Thank you Finnick, for saving me I mean," I said quietly.

"Don't worry about it, Annie.It was my pleasure saving such a beautiful girl," he replied, sending a wink in my direction.

My cheeks glowed pink at his remark, noting that was not the first but the second time he called my beautiful.

"I think we should go, my father might be getting worried," I said, rising to my feet.

Finnick said nothing but rose to his feet. Together we left the beach, Finnick promising to walk me home.

As we made our way to my house, Finnick attempted to carry on a conversation, oblivious to the fact that all I cared was that he was with me. It was strange, the very idea of him leaving dampened my mood. He made me a whole new kind of happy, one word just couldn't properly explain. Although I had just met him an hour ago, I knew I couldn't leave him. As we approached my house, I felt a pang in my chest. I might never see Finnick again. This could be it.

As we hugged goodbye, my father burst outside.

"Annie, Finnick! Inside now! There's a storm coming!" my father exclaimed, ushering us through the door. As I looked up, I realized how dark the sky was. The charcoal clouds were low in the sky, threatening to pour water at any given second. Suddenly, lighting flashed in a chain through the sky, a rattling smash of thunder immediately followed. My father pulled me in and slammed the door, turning the deadbolt. He brought Finnick and I into the small, musty, smelly basement. When a roll of thunder shook the house, a shrieked and ran to the couch. Finnick followed close behind me, grabbing a soft, knitted blanket from the arm of the rocking chair. He and I curled up together on the couch, my head buried in the nook of his neck. It didn't matter what was coming, for with Finnick at my side, I was not afraid.

Hope you like! Please leave feedback :)

~Annabeth Mockingjay Weasley

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