Don't look back, live your life

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"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" Hazel's booming voice resonates as she barges in my room, having no regard for the door and how loudly it bangs on the wall.

I squeeze my eyes shut and pretend to be fast asleep, but I should know better than to fake in front of my best friend.

"Hey, you!" She pokes on my arm. "You drama queen, get your ass off the bed and get dressed. I know you're awake."

I grab the blanket and pull it on top of me. "I don't wanna goooo!"

"Like hell you don't. There is no way that you're not going to Hollywood."

I reveal my face and frown at her. She's wide awake and fresh as a daisy in a yellow sweater and blue jeans. You'd think that she's the one who's off to embark on an adventure. "It's my choice if I decide to go or not."

"It was your choice when you sent the bajillion applications. It was your choice when you were desperately waiting for an acceptance letter. It was still your choice when you did receive a positive response. But it became my choice the moment you decided to go."

"Haze-" I begin but she interrupts me.

"No buts. It's a once in a lifetime chance and I am not letting you waste this opportunity."

I groan at her motherly rant and reluctantly make myself sit up. My whole body feels heavy due to the sleepless night I had and there's a dull throbbing right behind my eyes. I had not imagined to wake up feeling like shit on this day.

Don't get me wrong. I had been extremely excited when the letter from Stars Shine Productions came. Hell, Hazel and I, both spent three days straight celebrating. We didn't touch our books nor studied anything, instead had a whole Supernatural marathon. We stayed up all night and jumped around until we could see the sun. It was like a dream come true, something that I could only envision but never believe that it'd be real.

So yeah, the whole week was spent planning everything and packing all the stuff and buzzing as if going on a vacation.

Now, tables have turned a bit. For me, at least. Hazel is the same old hyper self, going crazy and freaking out and so bloody happy as if she's the one who's been granted an internship at one of the biggest film productions. She's always in a grumpy mood when she has to wake up for university in the morning, but today she's dressed all nicely and reverberating energy.

I, on the contrary, have somehow lost that excitement and now I'm a nervous wreck. Literally. My stomach keeps twisting into knots and I keep getting this dreaded feeling that somehow I'm gonna mess up everything. All of a sudden I just do not wanna go.

"Hey!" She snaps her fingers in front of my face. "Stop daydreaming about Harry and come back to planet Earth."

I roll my eyes. "You know, I don't spend every waking minute thinking about him."

Ha! Liar liar, pants on fire!

"Yeah, yeah." She moves away and picks up my bag and places it on the bed. "Tell that to someone who'll believe you."

I don't say anything further, but I just watch her as she randomly scurries around the room; picking things up and throwing them in my bag. Her face is set in a constant frown and she occasionally bites her lower lip. She always does that when she's tensed or nervous. Just take a look at her lips during exam time, you'll know what I mean.

"Did you keep that red shirt that I said looks very good on you?" She asks me as she goes outside the room and enters back in with my toothbrush in her hand.

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