I hear them calling for you

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"Are you both ready for today?" Gary asks us as he checks his phone for the umpteenth time.

"Yes." Harry says as he lets out an exasperated sigh.

He looks at me and his expression mirrors mine; lips pursed, eyelids half drooped and Boredom written all over the face.

Harry came over at my place an hour ago, because Gary wanted to have a serious conversation. Not that he's here in person to do it.

We have been talking to him through Skype, since he literally refused to come over. Apparently, he thinks that if anyone saw him visiting my house or spotted him when Harry and I are together, they'll come to the conclusion that our relationship is a PR stunt.

To be quite honest, he does have a point. I've been in a boy band fandom since a long time and I know how fans can totally act like detectives and unravel everything.

So here we are, an hour into video chatting the same thing over and over again; how to form a romantic reputation and maintain it without speculations.

The plan for today is to hang out and keep it simple, which means we won't be doing anything extravagant like shopping or watching movies or buying stuff etcetera.

Yeah, that's extravagant for me, considering it's Harry Styles I'm roaming around with.

Gary has strictly told us to keep our mouths shut if we're questioned by the paparazzi. He had initially decided to contact a magazine and ask them to take photos of us, but then I pointed out that it would definitely look suspicious. If the fans get HD photos from a magazine and if it's the same magazine all the time, then everyone figures out that there's something fishy going on.

Which leaves us to being completely dependent on people noticing us and maybe spreading rumours which would eventually involve the paparazzi. It's LA after all, they're everywhere.

"Savannah, keep in mind what I told you, alright?"

I internally roll my eyes - if that's even possible - and nod.

"Good. I guess we're set, yeah?"

"Yes." Harry and I both answer in unison.

"Great." Gary grins, flashing his full set of teeth at us. "Have a great time."

With that, he disconnects the video chat and goes offline. I shut the laptop flap and fall back on the sofa.

We're already so tired. Things were so hectic at the studio today because Alex's wardrobe stylist fell sick so I had to fill in for her. On top of that, Kim was in an overly sour mood due to her pregnancy getting the best of her and so she kept screaming and scolding everyone.

I had literally just gotten home when Harry came around ten minutes later. At first, I was surprised to see him because we had been together the entire time in the studio and he didn't mention anything regarding a hang out.

Then he told me that he was headed home when Gary called and told him to reach my place, so he changed his direction and arrived here.

"Can't we skip going out today?" I ask him in a completely exhausted tone.

"Even I don't wanna go out."

As soon as I hear him admit that, a wide grin spreads on my face and I instantly sit up straight.

"Great!" I exclaim. "Then let's just watch a movie here or you go back home so I can sleep my butt off."

He laughs at my bluntness and I feel my face flush with embarrassment at how rude that sounded.

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