I'm never coming back down, I'm looking down on the clouds

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It's been exactly 2 days, 48 hours, 2880 minutes and you-do-the-math-my-brain-can't-function-anymore seconds since my infamous encounter with Harry.

I feel like I've been thrown into one of those other dimensions where everything is made up and nothing's real. It's like I've finally entered my parallel universe. Ever since I can remember, I've dreamed about meeting him. I have literally imagined and visualized every single scenario that my mind could think of; bumping into him while walking on the street, running into him on the beach when he's wet and naked, getting hit by his car and then being carried by him in the hospital - all the while he's falling in love with me and then confesses his feelings with a passionate kiss and we both live happily ever after.

And what actually happened? I lost my cool and acted like a freaking lost puppy.

But, but, but.. Lost puppies are adorable!

They are. But you probably looked like an electrocuted lost puppy who kept on drooling. Not cute.

I groan and smack my forehead. The one time I had to keep my cool and stay composed, I totally ruined it. He probably thinks I'm a lovestruck girl who has no direction. But then again, even if I did, that one direction would lead to him. Ugh!

And I am lovestruck! Heck, I'm starstruck, wonderstruck, eyes-popped-open-like-a-nut struck.

I need to call Hazel. It feels like it's been ages since I talked to her and I miss her annoying voice. She told me she had a couple of tests this week, and even though I was on the verge of going insane, I didn't call her. I know that if she would've discovered the fact that I'm Harry's wardrobe stylist *HOLY FALAFAL JUST THINKING ABOUT IS ENOUGH TO MAKE ME PULL MY HAIR OUT!*, she'd have lost all interest in studying. And I didn't wanna do that to her.

So now as the bell rings, my heart beat increases steadily because I'm about to tell my best friend that I'm finally gonna see the man of my dreams naked!

Half naked. Oops.

"Savannah!" She screams in my ear and I pull the phone away. Despite the fact that it feels like my ear has been pricked with a billion needles, I smile because I've missed her. I miss her, a lot.

"Where have you been? It's been two days since your departure and you didn't even bother calling and telling me how everything's going."

I could sense a hint of disappointment in her voice, but it'll go away as soon as she hears out the reason why I didn't contact her.

"You had a test, I just didn't wanna disturb you." I state.

"Yeah, right." She snorts. "Since when has that ever stopped you?"

"You're right. But the circumstances here prevented me from calling you."

Her tone suddenly changes into a concerned one. "Why, what happened?"

"Well.." I decide to play with her a little bit.

"On, come on! Tell me already! Did you get robbed or something?"

Alright, I can't hold it in anymore. So I blurt out the sentence that still feels surreal. "I'm Harry Styles' wardrobe stylist!"

There's silence. I can only hear soft breathing so I know she's still listening. "Hello? Hazel?"

And then, she bursts out laughing. "Yeah, and I'm the Cupid wearing a bikini."

Now, it's my turn to be silent. I don't say anything, just listen to her laugh. She thinks I'm joking, I don't blame her.

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