Stuck in motion and the wheels keep spinning round

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I want the ground to split open and swallow me in so that I don't have to face the world.

That photo of us being intimate and about to kiss has gone viral on every forum possible. It's in every magazine, every online article, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, Whisper and what not.

What was meant to be a private moment between us got leaked in the blink of an eye for the whole world to ogle on. Why would anyone hack in the CCTV footage and literally just send it on a live show? Why would the host of that live show act like such a carefree, shameless person and show it on the screen as if he has access to any and every thing?

I swear I feel like knocking off Alan's teeth, that moron.

But more than that, I feel like punching Harry. He had one job, to speak out his mind and let the world know that leaking out personal photos and showing them on live TV is not the appropriate thing to do. No one has the right to breech on a person's private space. But what did he actually do? Smile and shrug and grin like an idiot as if he had just won a lottery for bananas.

I push open the studio door and make my way through the empty place. Reaching here early in the morning when no one would even think of coming was the first thing on my agenda for today. Sure enough, the entire studio is empty.

I use my spare set of keys and unlock Harry's room, bursting the door open and then angrily smashing it close. The next thing on my agenda is screaming at Harry.

I made sure to text him last night and inform that he has to come early tomorrow because we are gonna have some serious talk. My only hope is that he wakes up and arrives here before everyone else.

My head hurts from everything that has been going on. It feels like everything happened all at once and now I'm stuck in motion and the wheels keep spinning round.

The rattling of the door knob startles me as Harry enters, wearing a casual grey coloured hoodie on top of his pyjamas. His hair are all messed up and bed ridden, as if he literally just got up and headed straight here. His lips curve up in a sly smile the moment he sees me, showcasing just the tiniest bit of his dimples and making my stomach churn.

Concentrate, Savannah!

I blink a couple of times to drive my ridiculous thoughts away. But before I could accuse him of anything, that sonofabiscuit starts speaking.

"I like how you specifically called me early in an empty studio," he says, a smirk plastered on his face. "You turned out to be naughtier than I thought you would."

If it wasn't for the fact that I adore his angelic face, I would've thrown a freaking brick at him and wiped that annoying smirk.

"How could you be so stupid?!" I yell at him.

He purses his lips and digs his hand in his pocket, taking out a packet from it. "I brought condoms, if that's what you're implying."

He winks at me and I feel my blood start to boil. Here I am, on the verge of exploding like a nuclear bomb, and then there's this jackass who's cracking jokes and making fun of the situation.

"Harry," I raise my index finger at him, "I swear to God, if you don't stop with this foolishness, I will -"

"Whoa, whoa!" He keeps the stupid packet back in his pocket and raises his hands in mock surrender. "I was kidding. Chill, okay?"

"Chill?! You want me to chill? Do you seriously think there is any room for me to chill after what happened yesterday?!"

I breathe heavily through my nose as I try to calm myself down. Harry looks at me solemnly, his eyes forming a complete circle and lips pouting just the slightest bit.

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