Truly, madly, deeply, crazy in love with you

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Play the song when the time comes okay? Okay.


I open my eyes and adjust my vision to the wall in front of me. The damp spot on the pillow underneath my cheek makes me realize that I had been crying almost the whole night and that is why now my eyes feel like they're burning. I stretch myself and sit up. My gaze shifts to the place Harry sleeps in, expecting him to be in his hibernation mode, but it's empty.

After taking a shower and changing into jeans and a baggy sweatshirt, I make my way out and straight into the kitchen for a cup of tea. Fortunately, there is already some tea in the kettle so I just heat it a bit and pour it into a mug. Taking a sip, I roam around the living room in search of the other three souls living in this house, but apparently no one's around.

Anne and Gemma might be sleeping, I think to myself. But, where did Harry go?

Just then, I hear a faint sound of a piano playing which seems to be coming from the floor above. So I quietly climb the staircase and follow the melody of the music. Stopping outside the room, I peek in and see Harry sitting at a grand mahogany coloured piano. His head is bent forward and his hands and fingers are moving fluently as they create music.

It's a good thing his back is towards me because I can't stop staring at how tight his sleeves are around his arms and how his biceps keep bulging out as the tension in them increases. I clench my jaw and close my eyes, focusing on the music instead.

Oh, damn.. I had absolutely no idea he could play the piano. And, that too with such magnificence. If I could, I would listen to him play my entire life and never complain. I'll probably just get pregnant listening to this.

"Morning, banana."

His voice disrupts my thoughts and I quickly stand straight, tucking a strand of hair behind my hair in nervousness. "I, uh.. I was just.." I try to think of words. "I didn't mean to peek in, I was just listening. What I mean is -"

"Chill out!" He laughs. "It's alright. Come on in."

I shyly enter the room and settle on a stool placed on the lateral side of the piano, sort of facing Harry. My hand automatically slides along the edge of the majestic piano, feeling its smooth surface. "Why didn't you tell me you can play the piano?" I ask him.

"Just didn't think it was worth it." He shrugs casually. "It's just something I like to keep to myself because I'm not exactly confident with it."

"Are you serious?! You're amazing at it! I was seriously lost in the music. It was as if I was in a different world."

"You're just saying that to make me feel good."

"Harry Edward Styles," I smirk and lean forward. "If I had to make you feel good, I would've just stopped calling you a loser."

"Oh, get lost." He scrunches his nose at me and rolls his eyes. I bite my lip to stop the ridiculous smile from spreading on my face due to his cuteness. "Where's Anne and Gemma?"

"Mum had to go grocery shopping and then she has to visit a friend who's sick so she'll be back by late afternoon. Gemma had to go back to university because she has to give some sort of an emergency prep class to the juniors."

"Ah.. Okay.." I say, tracing the edge of the piano. "Play something for me." I tell him.

He grins widely and says, "What do you want me to play for you, Madam?"

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