Running after you is like chasing the clouds

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He annoys the hell out of me. I could smack him and pull his pretty hair and throw him in the pool and so many other things that I want to do to him.

We've been here one day and the idiot has already managed to win my family, except for Dad and Andrew, of course. Mom, Natasha and Zoey have been roaming around Harry like a bunch of puppies, asking him all sorts of questions regarding his job and lifestyle and family and whatnot. They've been doing everything they can to make him feel comfortable. Harry, being the cheeky bastard he is, has successfully charmed them with his overly polite manners and ridiculously good looks.

Even right now, they're all huddled in the living room around Harry and talking about God knows what. I'm sitting on one of the couches and eyeing them, being insanely jealous of Harry and the unnecessary affection he's receiving.

"Why so grump?" Dad asks as he plops down next to me.

I force a smile and look at him. "Just tired, I guess."

"Tired or annoyed with your boyfriend?"

The smile vanishes from my face and I gape at him, feeling slightly bit scared of the possibility that he may have figured out that Harry and I are not a couple. He chuckles and says, "It's alright, honey. Wanna talk about it?"

I gulp, a sense of fear still lingering in my mind. "There's nothing really to talk about."

"Of course, why would a daughter complain about her boyfriend to her father?" He teases me.

I laugh lightly. "It's just that all the ladies in this house, except me, seem to be overly crazy about him. It's kinda annoying."

"Can't disagree with you on that." Dad mutters. "He's an enchanting young lad."

I start giggling, covering my mouth as I do so. "Dad, I can't believe you called him enchanting. That was so Disney princess like."

"Come to think of it," he says. "He does look like a Disney prince."

I roll my eyes, even though I agree with him one hundred percent. "Are you switching sides now?"

He laughs and throws his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close. "Never. I will always take your side, even if you mother and sisters go wacko."

I smile and lean on his shoulder, feeling home after what feels like ages. After a couple of minutes of silence and just staring into space, he asks, "Is he good? Does he take care of you?"

I pull back, eyeing him carefully. "Where did this come from?"

"Just being a father." He says.

I pick at the hem of my shirt, thinking of what to say. I had never imagined Dad being the first one to ask me this question, so I feel a bit shy. But, nonetheless, I answer truthfully. "He is. He's one of the nicest people I know. And he looks out for me a lot. We may have our fights and arguments but he makes sure never to hurt me."

"That makes me feel happy." Dad comments.

Guilt washes over me as it dawns on me that even though what I said was genuine, this whole thing is a lie. What Harry and I have is temporary, and my family has already started to like him. I can't even imagine what they'll go through when we'll break up.

I force another smile. "But don't change sides just yet, yeah?"

He winks at me and says, "Never."

"Who's up for a game of soccer?" Andrew asks, all dressed up in his jersey with a ball in his hand.

"I'm in, bro!" I delightedly answer, happy to have some distraction.

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