You don't really want my heart, you just like to know you can

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I step out of the room, buttoning my shirt in a haste as I realize that I'm behind schedule. Good thing we finished packing yesterday otherwise it would've been a disaster right now. Savannah probably wanted me to get some rest and so didn't wake me up, but she really should've.

Where is she, by the way? I think to myself, combing my hair with my fingers. Then, I hear laughter from the floor above and for a second I get confused, but then it dawns on me that Sam is here. I smirk and softly ascend the staircase in order to sneak up and scare them.

"I want my money." Sam's voice booms authoritatively. Savannah's voice comes next as she asks, "What money?"

I roll my eyes, thinking that it's another one of their pranks or bets.

"Savannah! You forgot?!" Sam shrieks. "Our bet about Harry falling in love with you? $500? Hello?"

I freeze midway as my legs stop moving and my breathing momentarily ceases as I try to listen carefully.

"Oh, my!" Savannah laughs. "You still remember it?"

"Yep. It's $500 after all. Plus," Sam replies, a hint of mischief in her voice, "I won."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I'll give you the money when you return from your trip."

I numbly climb my way up, finally stopping at the edge of the top stair. They're sitting on the floor facing the window and their backs are towards me. I make sure to be as quiet as possible so to not divert their attention to me.

"Have you told him, though?" Sam asks.

Savannah slightly turns her face to Sam. "Told him what?" Even though I can't see her, I know she's frowning.

"Duh! About the bet."

Savannah shrugs casually and spreads her palms on the floor on either side. "What's there to tell?"

"Well, considering you guys are in a relationship now, he should know that falling in love with you was a bet."

I can't believe what I'm hearing. It feels like I'm in some sort of a dream and none of this is really happening but at the same time I can't wake myself up. It was all a bet?

"What?" I blurt, somehow feeling like a stranger in my own home. They both turn around and a flash of panic flickers on their face. I lock my gaze with Savannah's as I manage to croak out, "Falling in love with you was a bet?"

She nervously glances at Sam and then back at me, confusion written all over her features. "Harry.." She whispers.

"All of this was a bet?" I ask again. My voice seems so foreign that it's almost as if a third person is speaking on behalf of me. I really cannot believe the reality of this situation.

She takes a couple of steps forward, her hands fidgeting as she does so. "Harry.. How - how long have you b-been standing here?"

I clench my jaw slightly to absorb the anger bubbling inside of me. "Long enough to know that nothing was real."

She shakes her head promptly, her eyes are wide with fear. "No, no.. No.. You're getting it all wrong. I.. We.. Harry -"

"What?" I question, losing my patience. "What could you possibly tell me that'll serve as an excuse for the pathetic game you've played with me? What do you have left to say to me after what I just heard?"

"If you would just listen -"

"Listen to what, Savannah?!" She takes a step back involuntarily as I bellow at her. "How you and Sam made a fool out of me? How it was so easy for you to take this whole thing as a game and play with my feelings?!" My voice raises up several octaves as I yell. "How you made me fall in love with you for a bet?!"

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