Baby, I'm perfect for you

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"Do we really have to do this now? Like, right this second?" I groan out, lightly banging my head on the table.

"Do you think I want to?" Harry mutters, "I'm as tired as you are."

It has been exactly ten minutes since we reached my apartment from the airport and Gary immediately called us to have a video chat with him. We left New York in the afternoon and our flight got delayed for three hours due to extreme rough weather in Los Angeles, which left us waiting in the airport. I was already feeling so depressed at leaving home and getting stuck in the airport didn't exactly brighten up my mood.

I've never dealt well with goodbyes, neither do I like them. Leaving my family again felt like I was slowly drifting apart into nothing. It gets more difficult every time. Mum and Dad were trying so hard to hold it in, to stay strong for me. But they, along with my siblings, all broke down when Harry suggested a group hug. I don't know what he was trying to do, being all smiles and emotional as if it was his family and not mine. I know that he did get close with them during our stay there, but doesn't he understand the fact that he's leading them in a trap which will only hurt them once the truth comes out?

Is he leading them in a trap or are you?

I force this vicious thought away and take a sip of tea, the hotness burning my tongue just the slightest bit but enough to dull the pain I feel by missing my family.

"Why do you both look like zombies?" Gary's voice coming from the laptop breaks my train of thoughts.

I roll my eyes at him and say, "Oh, you know, just chilling around. It's not like we just got off a plane."

Harry smirks the slightest bit but then the scowl on his face resumes. "What do you wanna talk about, Gary?" He asks in a bored voice.

"Have you guys checked out the recent article?" He asks.

We both shake our heads. "Nope." I say.

"Check the link I'm sending." He sends us the link and we click on it, opening the article. Harry reads it out loud for the both of us.

"Harry Styles shows us how he is the best boyfriend in the world as he flies across the United States with his girlfriend, Savannah Smith, to meet her family. Just a couple of days after Savannah's tragic incident came to justice, the couple left to visit her family who reside in Queens, New York.

It has been a tough time for the most desired couple in the showbiz industry and it is useless to deny that many people thought this would be the end of their relationship. But, they've showed us how strong they are and that their love is only just blossoming."

I subtly roll my eyes at their choice of words but don't say anything. Harry continues reading.

"Just recently on their trip, they were spotted visiting a photo booth in Manhattan with Smith's family. What was planned to be a hidden and inconspicuous hang out turned into a very evident one as fans gathered outside the booth, longing to meet Harry. And, as always, Styles' never disappoints his darling fans. He came out and met them, talked to them spent time with them. Not only that, he bought along his lady with him and urged her to interact with his fans."

A couple of photos emerge then of me meeting the fans and talking to them, a smile etched on my face as I chatted while Harry stands beside me, holding my hand while he talked to another group.

"Could Harry Styles get any cuter? He made sure to keep Savannah as close to him as possible considering she has never been exposed to the fans like this. It just shows how utterly caring he is and how absolutely in love they are. Just look at them!"

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