We make up and we break up all the time

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To say that I have spent the most embarrassing week of my life would be the understatement of the century. I don't even know how I'm still alive and breathing, though I'm more curious as to how Harry made it unscathed.

I'm pretty sure I made his life a living hell. For the past week when I was bleeding generously, he managed to not fight with me over any thing and only listened to my non-stop bickering and whaling about how stupid life is and how absolutely annoying he is and why girls should suffer this torture. The poor guy didn't even as much as say a word against me, fearing that I might just turn into a shark and eat him to compensate the loss of my blood.

Here are some of the incidents that took place over the course of seven days.

Day 1:
Uncontrollable moaning and excruciating cramps that seemed to be coming straight from Satan himself. I spent the whole day lying in bed as my body twisted and writhed in pain. I ended up telling Harry about the frequency of fainting that I usually experience when I'm on my period which caused him to check up on me every ten minutes. I'm not even kidding when I say that, but he literally kept barging in the door with a panicked expression on his face which transformed into a relieved one as soon as he saw me.

I felt nauseous every now which made me run to the bathroom anytime I felt like I was gonna vomit. This obviously made Harry even more concerned and there were times when he would stand near the door and wait for me to come out. I had strictly told him not to come in the bathroom because there is no way that I would want him to see me puke my guts out.

The only time he fought with me was when he was forcing me to eat and I was reluctant to do so due to the nausea and the headache. It built up his frustration and he started shouting at how gullible and ignorant I was. That, obviously, made me cry - thanks to my hormones - I actually cried with hiccups because I felt embarrassed and depressed and I missed Mom. He quickly apologized and I'm pretty sure the reason for that apology wasn't because he felt guilty but because he was terrified at how to handle me.

Day 2:
I fainted. Yep, I really did. I had been feeling dizzy and sick since the moment I woke up, the cramps had only gotten worse and my entire body felt like it was a bulldozer. Harry asked me quite a few times if I needed to go to the doctor but I declined the offer each time. It was stupid of me to think that my condition wouldn't get any more hopeless than it already was, because it got a thousand times more bad. 

I was going to the bathroom to change my pad when I just fell flat on the floor. I don't know what happened next because of my unconscious state, but Harry told me that he heard a thud sound come from my room. He came to check and saw me lying lifelessly on the floor. He called a doctor who happened to be an old family friend of his and asked her if she could come to the apartment. She gave me a dextrose drip for the weakness and an injection of Voren for the pain.

Harry was mortified. He told me that he had never seen his mother or sister faint during "that time of the month" and that this was the first time he had ever witnessed it. I can't believe there was actually a moment when he thought I was die and become a zombie. Idiot.

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