I don't care what people say when we're together

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My eyes flutter open and it takes me a moment to register that we're cuddled inside the sleeping bag in the middle of a meadow. I close my eyes and breathe in the ethereal scent of Harry, trying to lock his cologne mixed with an earthly fragrance in my memory forever. A soft and satisfying smile spreads on my lips as I think of last night and how perfect it was. Ignoring the fact that I'm very soar, I'm actually in a state of sheer bliss.

I pull my head back slightly and take a look at the sleeping angel. One arm is under his head and the other is draped over me. His hair are curlier than ever and completely messed up, his cheeks are a light pink colour his lips are parted slightly. The trees above cast shadows on his face, giving him an almost mysterious look. I press my palm against his chest and feel his heart beating rhythmically.

I love him. I love him so much. It's crazy to think how much I adore him and his goofiness. The way he smiles, the way he talks slowly and how his voice keeps getting huskier. I love how he's so kind and gentle towards everyone, always ready to make people happy. Every time I look at him, I'm overwhelmed by the sudden desire to make him happy, to keep him happy. And that is what I'll do. I will never hurt him, I will never let anyone hurt him.

He stirs in his sleep and his breathing hitches momentarily. I watch him as he slowly opens his eyes, adjusts his vision on me and then smiles lazily. "Hey, banana."

"Hi, sleepy head. Did you sleep well?"

"Oh, babe." He murmurs in an extremely raspy voice. "You have no idea."

I giggle and plant a soft kiss on his neck, resting my nose against his throat. "I don't wanna go back." I whisper.

His Adam's apple tickles my nose as he gulps and then chuckles. "How about we live here?"

I excitedly pull back and start blabbering. "We could. We could gather wood and make a small home and look for berries and fruits and -"

"Whoa!" He laughs deeply. "Slow down, grasshopper."

I scrunch my nose and smile. He kisses my forehead and says, "We better pack everything up. James and Chad will be here any minute."

"Fiiiiine." I groan. We both maneuver our bodies out of the sleeping bag and stand up, stretching ourselves. "Why don't you put the food in the bag while I pack our luxurious bed?" He suggests.

We do our respective tasks and then wait for Chad and James to come for us. I find it a bit odd that Chad was the only one who came to drop me off last night. James wasn't even in the room back in the hotel.

"Hey, Harry?" I ask. "Why didn't James come along as well last night?"

He shrugs casually, picking on some grass. "I didn't tell him about the plan."

"Why not?"

"He's the more serious type. Chad's the one who helps me out with every silly thing I wanna do. James acts like my father."

I chuckle, shaking my head. "I'm glad you have those two as your bodyguards. They're a gem, really."

"Uh-huh." He smiles softly. "They've been with me since the start and have never let me down. Ever. They're more like brothers to me."

"James the dad." I remind him.

He smirks, nodding. "I apologize. He's the dad."

There's some shuffling in the distance and then Chad and James enter the clearing. "Hey, you guys." James says. "Chad told me about last night. I'm glad you didn't inform me because I wouldn't have had let you carry out your little plan."

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