It feels like I'm constantly playing a game that I'm destined to lose

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Hey, guys! HAPPY 6 YEARS OF ONE DIRECTION! =D Oh, my God! I can't believe it's been six freaking years since 1D was formed and we all fell in love with five handsome idiots who managed to make us smile, cry, laugh, angry, tensed blah blah blah. I was 16 when I got to know about them and now I'm freaking 21 and I still love them like crazy. Whoa! Anyways, sorry for blabbering =P what I want to say is that please support the boys with whatever they do. I know that the band means a lot to us, but those boys mean more to us. Respect their choices and let them be happy with whoever and whatever. Since I know Directioners are reading this book, I would like to tell you that I love you all and that we'll always be one big family =] Cheers!

- H <3


"Do you have a dress to go on a date?" I ask Savannah as I rummage for formal clothes in my wardrobe.

"I do have one.." She tells me, her voice hinting hesitation.

I nod absentmindedly and mumble, "Mm-hmm.."

"You're not even listening to what I'm saying."

I finally look at her to see that she is sitting with her arms crossed against her chest and an annoyed expression on her face. I sigh and come to stand in front of her. "Savannah, it really doesn't matter as long as it's formal wear. We're only going on a date because Gary has told us to."

She looks at me intensely for a moment, then abruptly gets up and leaves. I close my eyes, thinking that I have managed to hurt her once again. It's just, sometimes I really do not know how to talk to her. I know this sounds really stupid considering how insanely nice I am to her and try my best to make her feel comfortable, but there are times when I have absolutely no idea what to say and I end up blurting out mean things.

Like right now, I know she wanted my opinion. I know she wanted me to ask her to show me the dress and then give her my input. But, the thing is, I don't want her to start thinking that maybe all this could mean something. It's already bad enough that I have conflicting feelings regarding her, the last thing I want is her to feel something for me.

I change into an all black attire; shirt, jacket, pant, shoes, belt etc. To be quite frank, I could've picked a more vibrant colour and tried out something different but I'm really not in the mood to go out on this supposed date, so I don't really care what I'm wearing.

I turn around as Savannah steps out from her room and for a moment, my eyes just fix on her. She's wearing a purple dress that ends at her mid thighs with a black belt that accentuates her curvy waist. The black heels clatter against the floor as she walks towards the door, completely dismissing my presence.

"You look nice." I mumble, making an attempt to cheer her up a little bit.

Her jaw clenches and she curtly replies, "Thanks."

I roll my eyes and pick up my cell phone and car keys, making my way out from the apartment. The drive to the restaurant is silent; neither of us bothering to make small talk. I don't think I'll ever understand why we're like this, one day we're both happy and joking around and then the next day it's like we're complete strangers. This is what frustrates me about us.

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