What a feeling to be right here beside you now

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I have a feeling Andrew is now officially a fan of Harry. All those snide remarks about his tattoos and taunting him for being my boyfriend are slowly dissipating. Ever since the soccer match, they have been spending some quality time together; for example, Harry told Andrew that he used to play soccer a lot back in Cheshire and he's played quite a lot of time for charity matches here in USA. Andrew was actually quite impressed, because he's never had the chance to properly play soccer other than with his friends and me, he even asked Harry to give him some tips.

Mom, Natasha and Zoey are just madly in love with him, catering to his needs and acting like he is their son and I'm the snub girlfriend he brought along. Dad, on the contrary, still has his guard up. Apart from the usual friendly talking, he makes sure not to get too amiable. At first I thought that maybe he doesn't like Harry, considering he knows about Harry's past relationships and how the world conceives him as a heart breaker. But then I realized that it has nothing to do with Harry, Dad actually likes him, but he's just being the protective father and looking out for me.

"Hey, you." Harry says as he sits next to me on the couch.

I smile softly at him. "Hi."

"What you up to?"

"Nothing really, was just thinking stuff."

"Yeah?" He turns his body a bit towards me and asks, "Like what?"

"How my family likes you more than me."

He chuckles deeply, his voice sounding energetic and alive. "You mother might just adopt me."

"Oh, Dad will make sure that doesn't happen."

He laughs again and my stomach twists into a knot at how melodic he sounds. It's so weird, one second he makes me feel frustrated that all I want to do is smack him, and the other moment he has me around his finger by just breathing.

"Andrew has started to suddenly like me."

I nod as I say, "Yep. I think you two clicked on the field."

He grins cheekily at my choice of words and says, "We have wonderful chemistry, don't we?"

"Better than us." I wink at him, giggling myself.

We both become quiet, just sitting beside each other. It's been so long since I sat like this with him that it feels almost surreal, as if I'm dreaming again.

He clears his throat and begins to speak. "I've kinda figured out your family members."

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"Your Mom, she's like the usual mother; strict but will smother everyone in love. I heard she's been giving James and Chad meals for every time?"

I smile, nodding my head. "Yep, that's right."

"Your Dad, he jokes a lot and most of them are the usual lame ones -"

"Says the person who's the epitome of lameness." I interrupt him with a smirk on my face.

He rolls his eyes and continues to speak, "He's very responsible and expects the same from everyone. And there seems to be a constant smile on his face all the time."

I chuckle softly, turning more towards him and listening to him with interest. "Tell me more."

"Andrew is responsible. He tries to be intimidating but all his attempts go to waste because he is a softie at heart." He randomly drapes his arm across the back of the sofa, my heart skips a beat as his fingertips innocently touch my shoulder. "Natasha tries to be all sophisticated and professional, always asking me questions related to business and showbizz, but I know very well that she's the one who called me hot when I was asleep."

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