I'll take you to another world

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"This is probably the most ridiculous thing we have done." I say, a slight smile spreading on my face as I clutch my phone tight.

"Savannah, please stop making fun of my attempts to make this first date experience as worthwhile as possible."

"Talking on the phone even though we're literally rooms apart is definitely a once in a lifetime experience." I tease him.

"Alright, I'm not talking to you."

"Sorry, sorry!" I squeal, biting my lip to stop myself from laughing. "I won't make fun of your charming attempts."

"Good. Now, what was it that you wanted to ask?"

I had actually gone to his room to ask him how exactly should I dress up, because I have never actually been on a date before. But, he is such a ridiculous person, he sent me back to my room and asked me to call him so that we can pretend to be living in different houses and using the phone to talk to each other.

After we're done talking and coming to the mutual decision that we should dress nicely, I settle on a green sleeveless dress that reaches my knees with a golden belt around my waist. I leave my hair open and curl them up a bit so they wouldn't look messy.

There's a knock on my bedroom door at exactly 6pm. "Savannah, are you ready?" Harry's heavy voice calls out.

"Just give me a second." I quickly take my bag, insert my feet in a pair of black pumps and rush for the door.

Deep breaths, deep breaths.

I open the door and there's a split second when my breath hitches in my throat when I catch sight of Harry. He's dressed in a proper coat and pant with a crisp white shirt. He passes a hand through his sleek-backed hair and says something but I don't listen because I'm too busy ogling at him.

"Huh..?" I say absentmindedly. "You said something?"

"You look stunning." He says loud and clear. I feel warmth rush up my cheeks and I subconsciously tuck back my hair. "Oh, um.. Thank you.. You look very handsome."

"Don't I always?" He grins.

I roll my eyes and he offers me his hand. "Shall we?"

"Let's go." I smile at him and we make our way out.

Harry makes sure to keep my preference in mind of not liking seafood, so we go in a Thai restaurant this time.

"I'm actually glad there aren't many people here." Harry says halfway between our meal.

I nod in agreement. "I know right? Less disturbance for us."

Initially, we both talk about how friendly the atmosphere of the restaurant is and how delicious the cuisine is. Halfway through our meal, our conversation takes a bit of a personal turn.

"So, Savannah. Did you always wanted to go to fashion school?" He asks me.

"Well, I really just wanted to go to Hogwarts but that wasn't happening." I joke and he grins goofily. "Next option was this, yeah. What about you?"

"Acting. I was always into drama and theatre. Also, I was in a band when I was in school."

"Really? What was the band's name?" I ask as I take a sip of wine.

He smiles wifely and says, "The White Eskimos."

I choke on my drink and spill it over my dress, coughing lightly. I look around quickly to see if anyone noticed, then dab on my dress with a napkin, laughing as I do so. "I'm sorry, that is one heck of a hilarious name."

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