She's not afraid of scary movies

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Did I ever mention that my best friend can actually be one of the most annoying creatures to ever walk this Earth? Because she is literally getting on my nerves right now.

"Jesus, you already have a hickey forming." She remarks as she ogles at my neck, a terrified look on her face.

I roll my eyes. "Would you give it a break? Please?"

"No way. I caught you guys making out like a rhinos and you want me to shut up about it?"

"So, we can't even kiss without being conscious now?"

"Dude." She comes over and sits on the bed. "Imagine if Chad or James had walked in on you guys."

Just the thought of that makes me cringe, that would've been a total nightmare. Not to forget that Chad would've made our lives a living hell by teasing us - not that Hazel isn't doing the same. "Anyways.." I decide to divert her from the topic. "How have you been?"

"I'm good, was just busy in the exams. You obviously don't have to worry about that," She smirks. "I'm pretty sure that your career as a stylist has already skyrocketed. Harry might just hire you as his official stylist, you know, now that you guys a couple."

"Yeah, right." I scoff absentmindedly.

"What?" She asks curiously and I suddenly realize that she doesn't know about my little secret. I clear my throat and say, "Nothing."

She shrugs and goes back to eating her chips, munching away happily. It feels so weird to know that I haven't told such a big part of my life to my best friend. She knows everything about me, she's always been there for me, and yet I can't confide in her that what I have with Harry is a lie.

"Can't you stay the night?" I ask her. "You just got here an hour ago and you're already leaving."

She pouts sadly and says, "I wish I could. But, I gotta go back."

"I miss you." I mumble.

She smiles and hugs me. "I miss you more. The apartment feels empty without you. If I'm being totally honest, I get jealous of Harry because that idiot gets to keep you."

I laugh and smack her lightly. "You're crazy."

"You should be happy that I'm leaving so now you both can continue your little wild adventure in peace."

"Oh, shut up." I say, my cheeks feeling warm as I think of our heated encounter. I can't even remember why and how it all started in the first place. What began as a light joke turned into lust in the blink of an eye and the next thing I knew was that I was ready to have sex with him. I have never been in a relationship before, let alone kissed or slept with anyone, and there I was asking him to nail me. Jesus Christ.

There's a knock on the door and Harry peeks in. "What will the ladies have for dinner? Chef Harry is at their service."

"She's leaving!" I whine. "Tell her to stay."

Harry frowns and says, "You're leaving? You didn't take my accusation of you being the biggest demon too seriously, did you?"

"Oh, stop it." Hazel giggles, picking up her bag and cell phone. "I would love to stay, Harry. But I have to get back. Maybe next time?"

"Just knock, yeah?" Harry asks, winking cheekily. Hazel hugs us both and promises that she'll visit us soon again. But, I guess fate has other plans for her, because the car won't start.

"I have no idea what happened to it." She mutters.

I look at her in bewilderment. "Have you not been taking care of baby?? You promised you would!"

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