You say you're a good girl, but I know you would girl

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"Mom.. It's.." I squint my eyes to focus my vision on the bedside clock. "It's 3 a.m! Jesus Christ, is everything okay??"

My head feels a bit light headed by my sudden movement of jerking out of bed in a state of complete panic. But, I ignore the feeling as I clutch the phone tighter and hold it as close to my ear as possible. My mother has never called me this late at night, it terrifies me to think if something bad has happened.

"Yes, yes everything is fine! Don't panic so much."

I can actually imagine her rolling her eyes right now.

Taking a sigh of relief, I sit back on the bed. "Then why'd you call so late? You scared the living daylights outta me."

"Oh, honey.." She starts in an apologetic tone. "I completely forgot about the time zones and thought it'd be midnight there, as well."

I chuckle and lie back down again, getting cosy under the blanket.

"It's alright, Mom. How are you?" It's been so long since I heard her voice. Come to think of it, I haven't talked to her since two weeks!

"Like you care. You haven't bothered calling since ages."

"I'm sorry.. I've been so busy these past few weeks-"

She cuts me in the middle and says, "Well, of course you've been busy hanging around with Harry Styles."

Shit. Obviously she knows about the news, it's everywhere. At first there was just one article and I thought that maybe the rumours will die there and then. But, no.

The "news" spread like wildfire. It's only been approximately seven to eight hours, and I'm positive the whole world thinks that there's something fishy going on between Harry and I.

My heart skips a tiny beat as the image of us being together flashes in my mind. Ooohhhh....


Mom's voice snaps me out of my dream. "Yes, yes sorry.. I was, uh, I'm just sleepy."

"Well, I won't let you go to sleep until you tell me what's going on. I know you've been crazy about him probably since you were an egg in my womb."

I burst out laughing and she joins in, as well. It feels good to hear her laughter after such a long time, to feel her warmth. I close my eyes and sigh with relief.

"Well?" She starts poking on the topic again. "Are you both together? Or were those just rumours? Savannah, baby, I would advice you to keep your distance from him if they're just rumours-"

"Mom, seriously! You know I work for him, I can't just keep my distance-"

She interrupts me, "You know your Dad won't like it if your reputation is spoilt because of a spoiled brat-"

My turn to interrupt. "For heaven's sake, Mom, I'm 21 years old!"

"Savannah Smith." She says in a stern voice. Uh-oh.

"Do not raise your voice like that with me."

"I'm sorry.." I bite my tongue. "I didn't mean to, it just kinda happened."

"Well, you are to be careful of your image and-"

That's it.

"He's my boyfriend!"

What. The. Hell.

"What?" Her shocked tone resonates in my ear and I gulp.

"Uh.. We're in a relationship. I mean, it's not public. Yet. He just secretly asked me and I said Yes but I also told him to wait for a bit before going public."

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