If I could fly

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Before I proceed with the chapter, I just wanna wish all my fellow Muslims "Eid Mubarak"! =D May it be a blessed day for us all and for all those families who've lost their loved ones this Ramadan. Keep all of them in your prayers. Love you all!
- H <3


"Alright, do you have your tickets?" Hazel asks for the hundredth time as we get out of the Impala. James takes out our luggage and keeps it beside us.

I pull the handle of my hand-carry and nudge it forward, straightening my purple sweater and adjusting the pink stole around my neck. "Yes, we have them."

We had our meeting with Timothy yesterday. Initially it was just Gary and Harry who had decided to go, then they both came up with the idea that I should accompany them. Their plan was that Gary would do most of the professional talking, negotiating the terms with Timothy and bending the rules. Harry would play the concerned and protective boyfriend while I would just act like a damsel in distress who just wants to go home. To be quite honest, I was kinda annoyed with it because I can very well talk for myself. But they both didn't agree, and well, the plan worked.

Harry had immediately booked two tickets; one for me and one for himself. When I asked him why he was going along with me because I wasn't actually expecting him to, he just gave me a blank look and didn't say anything. I also feel bad that he paid for my ticket. I clearly told him that I can afford mine but he just said that I can reimburse him later.

How the hell am I supposed to do that?

"Okay, have you checked the passports?" Hazel, once again, inquires.

"Got them." Harry answers as we walk in through the rotating glass doors. He's wearing an all black attire; sweater, skinny jeans and a beanie. The only odd thing out are his yellowish boots.

Mental note: Harry in a beanie and yellow boots is out of this world adorable!

She wanted to come along as well, but she got a call from one of the professors back at university that she has already missed a test and will have to face serious consequences if she misses yet another one. So while Harry and I will be departing for New York, she'll be driving back to Torrance for that damned test. That is why she offered to drop us all at the airport.

"Have you kept all the necessary things? Toothbrush, hairbrush, mobile phones, chewing gum -"

"Yes, Mom!" Harry and I yell in unison.

She scowls at us. "Fine, whatever. Don't come crying to me when you forget something."

I chuckle and hug her tightly. She smacks me on my arm and hugs me back, holding me firmly.

"Have a safe flight, idjit." She murmurs in my ear.

I pull back and wipe a tear that was threatening to fall from my eye. "You drive safe."

Some crowd has started to gather around us, James and Chad quickly come close and motion us to move so that there isn't much disturbance. Harry and I give Hazel one last hug before moving on.

"Call me when you reach there! And let me know how everyone is!" She calls out to me before quickly turning around and exiting, making sure none of the people follow her to try and get some information.

We pass through security and check ourselves in. Boarding has already started when we reach our respective terminal, so we get in line and eventually make our way through. A lot of people have noticed us, flashing their cameras and calling out our names. Chad and James make sure to stay behind us, not letting anyone close.

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