Words will be just words till you bring them to life

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"I feel like I'm having a hangover." I groan, tightly pressing my fingers on my head. "It's like my brain will burst any second."

"Uh-huh," Harry says, his own head buried in his hands. "Same here."

"Do you think the air hostess drugged us?" I ask.

"Possible. I missed Margaret on the way back."

I roll my eyes dramatically and instantly curse myself for doing so because this small action just doubled the throbbing pain in my forehead. "Of course, you'd say that." I manage to mumble.

"I would love to fight with you on how utterly ridiculous your accusation sounded, but I'm too frustrated and tired to do so."

"Well, thank God." I grumble. "I don't think I have the power to listen to your useless rambling."

"I'm the one who's rambling??" He questions incredulously.

I yawn lightly. 'Whatever."

He gets up and slowly walks to the kitchen, making himself another cup of tea. I think it's his third one, not sure. We've both been up since an hour and all we've done is continuously gulp down tea. He takes a couple of sips before sitting down in a chair. "What do we do about the moving in thing?"

Ugh! As much as I'm trying to forget the fact that Harry and I are gonna live together from now on, something or the other always reminds me and I'm back to where I started. Gary didn't even bother asking me if I'm ready to leave my apartment. I've been living here for more than two months and I've grown accustomed to this tiny place I call home, I just can't pack up everything and go live in someone else's house.

"Do we really have to?" I ask, desperation evident in my voice.

He sighs and says, "Savannah, we've already been through this. Please, don't start again."

"Fine." I huff, crossing my arms against my chest and making a sour face.

"Gary said that we need to give some sort of an indication or sign to the public that you're moving in, right?" He asks.

I nod slowly, careful not to cause any sudden movements which would only worsen the pain. "Yep."

"So, what do we do?"

"Have you seen The Vow?"

He frowns slightly. "The movie? Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams?"

"Yeah, that one." I confirm.

"I have, yeah." He gets up from the chair and comes to sit on the couch with me. "What about it?"

"Remember that scene in which Leo makes breakfast for Paige and writes "move in?" with blueberries?"

A smile spreads across his lips and he looks at me excitedly. "Savannah, you're a genius!" He exclaims.

"We could recreate that and you can post a photo with some caption, like "She said Yes!" or "Finally!" or something." I suggest further, feeling immensely proud of myself.

"Yes! That could totally work!"

"There's just one problem, though." I speak up. "Who's gonna make the pancakes and bring the blueberries?"

He waves his hand in the air as a dismissive gesture and says, "Don't worry about that. Overdose of tea has alerted my senses so I can make the pancakes. As far as the blueberries are concerned, I'll ask James and Chad to get me some while they're coming here."

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