Don't forget where you belong

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To say that I am excited to go home is the understatement of the century. I am out of this world thrilled and exuberant. It's been more than a year since I met Mum and Gemma; of course we Skype a lot and talk on the phone, but there's just something comforting when you actually meet someone.

"Will Gemma be home?" Savannah whispers beside me.

"Yes. She's got the weekend off from work specially to spend time with us."

The lights on the air plane switch on as all the filming staff gradually wake up, stretching themselves and looking like they just survived the zombie apocalypse. Sam walks lazily toward us and leans against the seat in front, rubbing her eyes.

"Well, someone got her beauty sleep." I smirk.

"Oh, shut up." She yawns. "I feel like someone banged my head with a hammer."

"Don't know about that, but I do know that you've banged someone on a plane once."

She momentarily freezes and a shocked look crosses her features, slowly replaced by sadness in her eyes. "I'll catch you guys later," she mumbles as her gaze swiftly shifts to Savannah and then she goes away.

"What was that all about?" I frown.

"What was what all about?"

"Savannah, I'm not an idiot. I noticed the look you guys gave each other."

"Oh," she waves her hand in dismissal. "That was nothing."

I'm not entirely convinced it was nothing, so I probe on. "Did I say anything wrong? She herself said in the interview that she's in the mile-high club. That means she's had sex in the plane -"

"I know what that means!" She furiously says, her cheeks turning red just the slightest bit. A sudden image flashes in front of my eyes of Savannah and I doing the dirty here and I shake my head to break this chain of perverted thoughts. It'd be really hot, though.

"Then what is it?" I press on further. "I clearly made her feel sad."

"She's just going through a tough time right now."

"Why, what happened?"

"She recently came across a photo of one of her boyfriends with whom she was very much in love with but apparently it didn't end well between the two of them. She's been feeling low and maybe what you said reminded her of him."

"Aww, damn.." I mutter. "I had no idea. Do you think I should apologize?"

"No, no. She hasn't told anyone about this except for me."

"Oh, okay.. But, she'll be fine?"

Savannah smiles, fastening her seatbelt and leaning her head back. "Isn't she always?"

I smile softly to myself, wrapping my hand over Savannah's. She raises an eyebrow and asks, "What're you doing?"

"I remember you felt nauseous the last time we were on a plane. Gripping someone's hand tightly helps with the nerves."

She bites her lower lip and smirks, "You're a very cheeky guy, you know that?"

I grin goofily and wink at her. She clutches my hand tightly and doesn't let go until the plane has landed and stopped completely.


Private cars are parked in a row as the whole crew moves out of the airport with their security guards encircling them. Savannah and I bid a temporary farewell to everyone as they all huddle outside and we go towards our next flight to Cheshire.

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