My tongue gets tied, the words get trapped

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As if I'm not already about to have a nervous breakdown, the "Founder and Chairman" written on a gold plate on the door in front is just perfect to make me explode with nervousness.

All that newfound energy that had been radiating from me when Hazel told me to "kickass", vanished the moment I entered the building. Everything; from the huge movie posters on the white walls to the tiny threads weaved through the red carpets is impeccable. There is not one thing in the whole damn area at which you can point and say that it's dirty.

All pieces of furniture are dark brown and wooden, with black and white leather couches placed here and there. I fear that by just walking around and observing everything will make it all dirty.

I would like to take this moment to thank the Lord that I didn't bring coffee with me. Because the nervous, clumsy idiot I am, I'm sure I would've spilled it somewhere.

"Ma'am?" The polite voice of the secretary shakes me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Yeah?"

"You can go inside. Mr. Timothy Green is asking for you."

I gulp. "He is?"

"Uh, yes.." She gives me a small frown. "I told him that you're here and he said he's been expecting you."

I give her a light nod and slowly make my way towards the door. Dammit, I'm so scared right now, I could run away to Timbuktu and never return. I seriously hope he's a nice, friendly man and not someone who's annoyed with his life. I hope he's in a good mood.

You can do this. He's already accepted your application and offered you an internship. You just have to stay calm and prove -

"Come in."

The loud, gruff voice from inside makes me realize that I had already knocked when my subconscious was giving me a pep talk.


Taking a deep breath, I step in. "Hello, Mr. Green. I'm Savannah Smith."

"Yes, Ms. Smith. I've been waiting for you." The owner of the voice is an elderly man who seems to be in his 60s, but his sophisticated attire adds a charm to his personality. He's dressed in a sleek black coat and pant and his hair is almost silver in colour.

"How was your journey?" He asks me politely with a comforting smile on his face.

"It was good, my friend dropped me here."

"Ah, I see. Alright, let's get to work. You're our intern for an indefinite period. Which means that we'd like to keep you for as long as we wish. But if you fail to come up to our standards, then I'm afraid I'm gonna have to fire you."

Every fibre in my body is screaming with nervousness but I am determined to look calm and composed. So I give him a firm nod.

"Your living expenses have been covered, and it would've been better had you arrived a bit early so that you could've gone to your apartment and relaxed for a bit. But since you're late, I'm sending your luggage to your place and you're gonna have to go directly to the studio for a tour and to meet everyone."

Okay, now I'm starting to freak out. I thought that I'd get a couple days to relax and then maybe I'll be taken to the studio to start working. But I've just arrived and they've already dropped a bomb on me. Great.

"I uh.." I clear my throat. "I start work today?"

"No, no. You're only going there to look around and meet everyone. You'll start working in a couple of days."

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