Who's gonna be the first one to start the fight?

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You know how sometimes your mind seems to be so preoccupied that you have a hard time concentrating on anything else? Like, you're doing all your routine work and eating and talking like a normal person but that one thing just keeps nagging in your mind constantly. This has been happening too me since quite some days now.

Ever since I saw the frame in Harry's room of his mother and sister, I haven't been able to get them out of my head. I keep thinking about them; how they're like, what they do in their free time, how often does Harry talk to them, do they like me or not, etc. It's not like I don't know them at all, they're Harry Styles' family, I discovered them as soon as I developed a liking to Harry. I know that his mother, Anne, is a single mom whose husband died when Harry was only ten years old. She used to work in a bakery before Harry got famous, after which she started doing charity works and used her new-found fame for fundraising activities. His sister, Gemma, is a couple of years older than him and graduated with a degree in Science Education some time back.

"So," Harry plops down on the couch I'm sitting on and disrupts my thoughts. He takes the remote and switches on the TV. "Who's gonna be the first one to start the fight?" He casually asks.

I roll my eyes and smile, focusing my attention on the football match going on. He seems to be a lot into this game. At first I had thought that maybe he just likes playing it some time, but he's usually watching the league matches and there are times when I've seen him randomly balance and dodge the ball while walking around in the house; specially on the floor above.

After a couple of minutes of silence, I finally decide to ask him what's been stuck in my mind. "When will I meet your family?"

He's so engrossed in the match that he doesn't pay attention at first, glancing briefly to look at me and then back on the television. "I'm sorry, what? I didn't hear you."

I clear my throat and ask again, "When will I meet your mother and sister?"

He finally diverts his attention to me, a frown settling on his face as he turns his body around to face me. "Why do you wanna meet them?"

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"Why the sudden interest in meeting my family?"

"You met mine.." I say. "I guess, it's only fair if I met yours."

He keeps looking at me intently for a few seconds, a serious expression on his face as of he's really considering the possibility of visiting his home town with me. There's a small instant when I actually feel happy thinking that he's gonna say Yes, but then he turns around and starts watching the game again. "You won't meet them." He plainly states.

It takes me a moment to register his words and I feel a heavy feeling gnawing in my chest. "Why not?" I croak out.

His jaw clenches just the slightest bit but enough for me to notice. "There's no point."

"How is there no point?" I raise my voice up a notch. "I didn't stop you from meeting my family. Why are you stopping me from meeting yours?"

"I only met your family because your father was ill and I was concerned. Plus, it would've looked bad if the boyfriend stayed while the girlfriend gone to visit her family."

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