You're the one that I want at the end of the day

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Last chapter, babies! Comment lots and lots okay? Pretty please with Harry Styles on top.
Okay, so that sounded way more perverted than was intended. Not that any of you have an issue with it xD huehuehue.


I pinch the bridge of my nose and breathe slowly, trying to calm myself down. As if getting delayed twice wasn't enough, now I'm trapped in the airport because 1) one of my bags can't be found and 2) there is a horde of fans on the verge of breaking the security line and jumping on me.

They're constantly screaming. The idea of going up to them and talking did cross my mind, but I just feel so exhausted and lifeless that I can't make myself do any sort of chit chat.

"Hey, kid." Gary says, taking a seat beside me. I give him a small smile. "Hi, again."

"You alright?" He asks.

I sigh and shrug lightly. "Guess so. I can't.. I can't stop thinking about her."

"Did you get a chance to talk to her? After the incident?"

Initially I was very doubtful of telling Gary about what happened. My first thoughts were that he would lose his mind and do something out of rage. But, to my surprise, he was calm and very understanding. He listened attentively the whole time I poured my heart out, and I'm not gonna deny the fact that it actually felt good to admit my feelings and thoughts. He simply told me to try to concentrate on the task at hand and that we'll solve this matter when we get back.

"I did actually." I tell him. "She called Chad because my phone was switched off and he gave me the phone. But.." I exhale heavily, "I messed up. Instead of listening to her, I scolded her and even said that I don't want to hear her voice ever again."

I regret doing that. I wish I had the decency to at least listen to what she had to say. Because now I feel like I'm the one who let us down, not her.

"Yikes. That's a bit too harsh, isn't it?"

"Hey, you're supposed to be on my side." I cross my arms and scowl at him. He chuckles, ruffles my hair affectionately and says, "I'm always on your side, kid. Don't worry too much, yeah? We'll talk to her properly and settle this situation."

I smile lightly and glance at the crowd of fans. "I think I'm gonna go meet them. They've been waiting since a long time and here I am, acting all bitchy." Gary nods, patting my back. I get up and make my way towards the fans.

"Hey, guys.." I say out loudly. "How are you all?"

The responses are all jumbled up and even though I literally have no clue as to what they're saying because I really can't hear them, my lips still curve up into a huge smile nevertheless. I think this is my favourite part about being in this industry; hidden under the constant interference is all the love and affection the fans have for you. And that makes everything else worthwhile, because you know that there are people who always have your back, no matter what.

My fans are my front line and my back up.

I get so engrossed in talking to everyone that I don't notice the change in their attitude as they stare at something behind me. It's when the screaming starts again that I turn around curiously to see what or who they're looking at.

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