Take me home

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I lean back on the couch and pull my legs up, extending them on the wooden coffee table in front. My eyelids are halfway drooped and a yawn escapes my mouth every few seconds.

The guy I was talking to - and for whom I was ignoring Savannah - left the party exactly five minutes after she excused herself to go talk to Sam, leaving me alone and bored.

I spend another five minutes relaxing, when I realize that it's already gotten quite late and we have to wake up early tomorrow for the shooting. So I reluctantly stand up and slowly stretch myself, yawning yet again, and putting my coat back on.

I wonder where Sam and Savannah are, she didn't tell me where she was headed to. This house is so huge, it's gonna take a while to look for her.

They might be in the kitchen, I think to myself, making my way. Only a few bunch of people are remaining, still hogging on all the pizza and champagne.

"Sam?" I softly call out to a group of people who are bundled up in the kitchen and laughing about something.

Sam turns around along with three girls and four guys, whom I have never ever seen before. Or maybe I'm just too tired to recognize them.

I notice two of the blonde girls checking me out, eyeing me from head to toe while also seductively biting their lips. I politely nod my head at all of them and then focus on Sam.

"Where's Savannah?"

"She was with you, wasn't she?"

I frown at her. "No.. She excused herself from me because she wanted to talk to you."

She raises her eyebrows, her tongue in her cheek as she slowly shakes her head. "I haven't seen her.. She didn't come to me or anything."

"Sam.. We have to go home because I'm exhausted and I also have to drop her on the way, so please tell me."

"Dude," Sam says, "I seriously do not know where she is. Last time I saw her was with you when I left you guys alone in the courtroom."

I feel myself blush just the slightest bit at the memory of us being alone in that room. It's still unbelievable how easily I lose control when I'm around her. Just her presence makes me wanna pin her against the wall and kiss her.

"Can you help me find her?" I scratch my head at how foolish I sound. "I have no clue where she is and I do not wanna get lost in your house."

Sam laughs and a couple of people around her chuckle as well. She excuses herself and comes along with me on my quest.

"You sure she didn't come to you?" I ask her again as we enter one of the hallways.

She sighs hopelessly and rolls her eyes. "I promise I haven't seen her since I left you guys."

Why did she lie, then..?

We check a couple of bedrooms to see if maybe she's there, but they're all vacant.

"I wonder where I left my phone.." Sam mumbles.

"I tried calling her but she didn't answer." I say a bit worriedly.

"Call on mine."

So I take out my phone and dial Sam's number. It starts ringing and soon enough we hear the ringtone.

"There it is!" Sam yells as she scurries off to one of the million random shelves in her house and picks it up.

"How can you just leave your phone anywhere just like that?" I ask her incredulously.

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