I'm just trynna read the signals I'm receiving

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I remember feeling my stomach twist into knots when I used to see the boy I had a crush on back in fifth grade.

My heart would skip a beat and for the longest time, I would be deciding how to approach him and what to talk about. It wasn't anything serious though, we were good friends and I just secretly liked him. Of course, I was too young to really understand what I felt.

I remember feeling a bursting sense of euphoria when I used to see the guy I had a crush on back in tenth grade.

He was two years senior than me, but his basketball skills and cute, boyish looks had me going crazy. Hazel and I would often stalk him.

What I don't remember is ever feeling something more than just attraction. What I don't remember is experiencing desire.

I felt it last night at the concert.

We had just gotten off of work when Harry had informed me that we were going to Ed Sheeran's concert. I had already made a plan to go home and crash on the bed because my whole body felt soar. So obviously, I wasn't too excited to know.

Well, okay, I was a bit excited. I mean, ever since I can remember, Hazel and I have been planning to go to Ed's concert. We both love him and Hazel specially likes singing his songs.

Now see, I wanted to go to his concert with someone who would enjoy the songs and feel the exact same energy that I felt. Someone who would scream with me and just give life to those beautifully written songs.

Harry Styles seemed like a really bad idea for that someone.

Starting off, he didn't like Ed Sheeran. Literally, the moment he told me this, I wanted to get out of the car and run away. Secondly, he was not the least bit excited. It was as if he was doing me a favour by going, like I was dying to go with him.

*cue eye roll*

Sam wanted to go with us but Harry booked only two tickets, and Sam got the idea that Gary must've told him to do this, so she peacefully backed off. And ended up taking charge of dressing me.

Worst. Decision. Ever.

She made me wear a little black dress which exposed a lot of my legs, not to mention the hungry look Harry gave me when his gaze fell on my chest. I was too annoyed to even talk to them.

Anyways, the concert started and it took everything I had to not jump and cry, because I swear to God I was on the verge of tears. I assumed Harry would make fun of me, not that I care what he thinks, but it would've been an uncomfortable position for him to comfort his girlfriend when we haven't even practiced consoling each other.

It was actually going fine, with us cuddling lightly, until that moment.

He had casually whispered in my ear, "Little black dress, what's your favourite song?"

I had laughed at how silly the name sounded, almost as if he was drunk. And right when I was about to tell him that my favourite song is Photograph, I felt him breathe against my hair.

I felt the tip of his nose press against the hollow behind my ear, and all that I had wanted to say to him just vanished from my mind.

When I turned my face to look at him, his eyes were dazed and his pupils were dilated and I knew exactly what he was feeling. Because that is what I felt, too.

In that moment, wrapped in his arms and our faces just inches away, I felt desire in the pit of my stomach all the way to my lips. I know because I have never felt like this before.

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