Right now, my heart is beating the same

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I've attached the slow song that is supposed to play in a scene. It'd be better if you play it when that bit comes so you can feel the feels xD


"How long till we reach at your friend's place?" I ask Harry as I play with the gold bracelet my mother gave me.

"Uh.." He quickly glances at the GPS and then answers, "Almost there."

I sigh and turn my head to look out the window. It's been a week since Hazel and I had our big fight and we haven't talked since. There were many instances when I picked up my phone and almost dialed her number, only to change my mind and angrily put the phone away. The times I did call her, she never answered. So, I made the conscious decision to not make any further contact with her.

I know I shouldn't let my ego come in the way, but I can't help it. She's not the only one who got hurt that day, I was hurt too. We both said things we shouldn't have, we both injured each other with our cruel words. But, if she can't be bothered to talk to me, then I sure as hell am not begging her to take me back in her life.

"We're here." Harry announces, unbuckling his seatbelt. I eye the simple looking red bricked house and get out of the car. I've been hanging around huge mansions and spacious apartments that it feels weird to be in a community with clustered and small houses.

"You were saying something about your friend not being famous?" I ask him.

He leans against the hood of the car beside me and nods. "Yeah, he isn't. We have been friends since we were like, ten years old. His family shifted here but we never lost contact. Then, when I came here, I located him and reunited with my bud."

"That's good to hear. Do you think it'll be weird if people saw you in the party?"

"Nah, not at all." He shakes his head and moves to stand in front of me. "I've been to his previous parties and it's almost always the same crowd every time. Let's just say they've all gotten accustomed to me being there."

I nod slowly, looking down at my red sneakers. Harry suggested that we dress casual because no one dresses in a formal wear. So, I decided to wear a crimson coloured, knee-length frock with black tights while Harry went along with a light brown sweater and skinny jeans.

And, the mustard boots. Not to forget them famous boots.

"We can go back, you know." He says softly and I look up at him. "You've been going through a tough time, we don't have to attend this party if you don't want to."

"But, what about Gary?" I ask.

Harry rolls his eyes subtly and says, "I'll think of an excuse. Don't worry about him anymore."

Even though I desperately want to accept his offer of going back because I am in no mood of attending any party, but I don't because of the fact that Harry is ready to put my needs in front of Gary's. "It's alright. Let's go inside." I say happily, smiling sweetly at him.

He holds my hand and leads me to the door which opens to reveal a tanned and toned guy with dark black hair pointing in every direction and a smile as deep as the river Nile.

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