Tell me that I'm wrong but I do what I please

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I wake up with a start as my phone rings at full volume. My eyelids droop again as another wave of sleep hits me, dragging me down into yet another deep slumber.

The phone rings again, it's ringing getting louder as I slowly become alert. "Harry.." Savannah mumbles beside me. "Please answer the call already."

I groan and reluctantly pick up. "Hello?" I ask.

"Gary here. Were you asleep?"

"No, I was dancing." I mutter drily. He stays silent for a couple of seconds before saying, "I need to meet you right now. It's urgent."

"For heaven's sake, it's -" I check the time on the alarm clock, "8:30 in the morning -"

"Who is it?" Savannah asks, her voice husky and muffled due to sleep.

"Was that Savannah's voice?" Gary asks instantaneously. "Is she with you right now?"

I frown. "Yeah, so?"

"Meet me right now, Harry. That's an order." He hangs up abruptly, not waiting for my response. I stare at the phone and then at the floor, wondering why on Earth did Gary sound so pissed off.

I turn to tell Savannah that I was on call with Gary but she's already fast asleep. We reached back home just last night and literally crashed on the bed. All the exhaustion and fatigue from the trip has built up and the only thing I want to do is sleep. At least, Savannah can get her well deserved rest, the poor thing has had to do more work than me. I kiss her cheek and get out of bed. After showering and changing, I write a note to her telling that I'm going out to visit Gary, and then I leave the apartment.

"Hey," I say, entering his house. He's sitting on the couch with tons of magazines and his laptop in front of him.

Shit, I think to myself. I already know what this meeting is about.

I take a seat across from him. "What's up?"

"You tell me. What have you been up to? How was the promotion?"

"Great, great. Hectic, but it went well."

He picks up a random magazine and scans its cover page. "I can see that."

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for his wrath on how reckless and carefree Savannah and I were on this trip. "What's the big deal?" I groan.

"The big deal?" He scoffs angrily. "The big deal is that you both are acting like little kids and ruining your reputation!"

"I'm pretty sure getting drunk and goofing around with my girlfriend will hardly ruin my reputation. Besides, as far as I know, people are shipping us even more after this trip."

He cocks an eyebrow. "Girlfriend, huh?"

I roll my eyes. "Seriously? Is that what this is all about?"

"Yes, Harry! Have you completely forgotten why we started this relationship in the first place?"

"No, I very well remember." I say sternly. "It's just that it doesn't matter to me anymore. She matters."

"Oh, so now that you're sleeping with her she suddenly matters a lot to you?"

"I love her." I confess, feeling as if a burden just lifted from my shoulder by saying it out loud to someone other than Savannah. He stares blankly at me for a couple of seconds before cackling with laughter, clapping his hands in amusement. I feel my anger rising as I ask, "I'm sorry, did I crack a joke?"

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