So we can start it all over again

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I dedicated this part to a very good friend of mine, Dalia, who's the inspiration for the character "Samantha Gomez" in this story. Recently, the store that she works in got attacked by two robbers who managed to stab the Manager to death. That girl, Taylor, was very young and was known to be a bright and cheery person. Everyone who works in this store is traumatized, so here's this chapter for them. May you all find the strength to move on, may you all find the patience and peace required to accept reality, so that you can start it all over again. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

- H <3


The whole cast and crew has been summoned to the studio for an update on the film.

I wonder what's gonna happen now. Alex's sentence stipulated that he won't be working in the film anymore, so that could only mean two things; either we get a new actor or the film production is shutting down. I am seriously hoping it's the former, because we were almost done with the shooting and this film would work wonders for Sam and I.

I steal a glance at Savannah sitting shotgun next to me. Her legs are pulled up on the seat with her knees hugging the chest and her eyes seem to be fixated on the traffic outside. It has been quite a bumpy ride ever since Alex's hearing. First thing being that Savannah couldn't stop crying, she was literally an emotional turmoil this past week; breaking down into tears at the smallest of things, getting angry at anything and everything and then randomly being happy at almost nothing. It was a relief that Hazel was there the whole time because I think I might've just blown my brains off with the fluctuating mood swings.

She kept explaining how complete and whole she felt by forgiving him, which seems to be a very twisted logic, if you ask me. You can't just forgive a rapist. But then she told me that even though he tried to rape me, he did so in complete intoxication. If he had fought back or launched a whole new case whereby Savannah was accused of being guilty then that would've confirmed that Alex did what he did on purpose, consciously. She emphasized on the fact that he accepted his crime, he confessed his guilt and was more than ready to face the consequences because he knew what he did was wrong and punishable. That is basically what compelled her to forgive him.

Of course, there were the fans and the whole world scrutinizing this scene as well. Those people who understood Savannah's perception stood by her, complimenting her and encouraging her, idealizing her. Whereas those who refused to see her point, accused her of being mindless and attention seeking. Both of which she is not, mind you. I lashed back on every social media site I could get my hands on, supporting her. Not because I'm her supposed boyfriend, but because I know that she did the right thing, even if it appears to be wrong. I saw the emotions unfold on Alex's face when he apologized to Savannah, they weren't fake. He was genuinely sorry and ashamed of what he did.

But even my support didn't help that much. Sam, Gary, Kim, Lou and even Hazel, all of them expressed their thoughts on social media in favour of Savannah. But in the end, Savannah had to post a video of herself telling the whole incident, how she felt and what made her forgive him. That itself was a terrible experience to deal with because she kept freaking out on what to say, she kept making the video again and again until Hazel sort of scolded her to get her shit together. Once the video went viral, many opinions were changed and people started to grasp Savannah's reasons.

I clear my throat to catch her attention. She turns her head towards me expectantly and I ask, "You ready for this?"

She shrugs, a tired smile carved on her face. "I guess. I'm just anxious to know what's gonna happen next.."

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