We made a start, be it a false one, I know

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Today is the day when Harry and I will be deliberately seen.

Today is the initiation of the deal.

Gotta admit, I'm freaking out. I've been fairly good when it comes to acting and I remember performing on stage a couple of times. But, that's it. Other than that, I am actually a camera shy person.

The fact that we'll have to act to be cozying up while knowing that anyone could be watching us is terrifying. What if I end up looking directly in the camera? Or, what if I'm too nervous to even keep a straight and relaxed face?

Ugh!! Get it together!

I stop pacing across the room and instead busy myself with deciding what to wear. It's not exactly a date, so I know I'm not supposed to wear anything formal.

Gary made it clear to us that there'll only be a couple of hang-outs at first, where we'll be caught on camera and speculations will rise. Then, when the time is right, we'll be caught kissing.

Can't wait for that day to come.

I smile to myself and then shake my head. Reaching out in the closet, I take out a white shirt and a pink and dark purple coloured short skirt.

Hmm.. Something seems missing from this. There needs to be an element which would balance the striking colours of the skirt.

I rummage through the closet, taking out different shirts and blazers until I finally come across a multicoloured blazer. Perfect.

Perks of being a fashion student? Picking out complementary clothes becomes easy.

There's still an hour left for Harry to come, so I take my clothes and keep them on the bed. No need to get dressed right now.

The phone rings and I walk out of the room to answer it.


"Savannah, hey!" Sam's voice takes me by surprise.

"Oh, hi Sam.. How are you?" This is weird. She's never called me before.

"I'm fine. Just wanted to know if you're free or not, so maybe we could hang out a bit or something?"

Huh. Why does she wanna hang out with me? Don't get me wrong, I love the girl. She's very sweet and has been nothing but friendly ever since I've gotten to know her. But we've always talked in the studio. Even then we've never hung out or spent time alone. There's always some of the crew with us and then sometimes there's Harry. So this feels a bit bizarre.

"I would love to, yeah." I genuinely tell her. "But I kinda have plans today.. How about tomorrow?"

"Sure! Tomorrow sounds great."

I smile and nod to myself. "Awesome, then."

"Have a good day, babe. Bye!"

"You too, Sam." We both hang up.

It still seems a bit weird, but I'm sort of excited, to be quite honest. Back in Torrance, Hazel and I used to hang around a lot. We'd go to shopping together or go watch a movie or just casually stroll.

Here, I have no one. Which reminds me, it's been ages since I've actually been out and enjoyed girl company. Good thing Sam is eager to hang out.

I decide to get dressed now. After changing, I brush through my hair and let them fall loosely.

When I'm finally all done with dressing up, I look in the mirror. I think I look okay. I mean, I would pass for Harry Styles' girlfriend, right?


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