Trying to behave, but you know that we never learned how

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"I can't believe Harry Styles in our house."

My eyes flutter open but close back again, succumbing to my heavy eyelids that feel like there's the world kept on them.

"Never thought I'd say this, but he's actually really hot."

Who is talking? Where am I?

"He looks stoned."

"Well, you'd like a drunkard too if you were jet lagged and sleeping. You, however, wouldn't look so pretty."

Someone tell them to shut up..

"How the hell did Savannah manage to get in a relationship with the guy of her dreams?"

I finally manage to open my eyes and force them to stay like that, even though my vision is blur right now. There are three people standing beside the bed - two fascinated looking girls and an annoyed looking boy - staring at me. 

"Where am I..?" I croak out, my voice sounding distant.

The younger one of the two girls screams, "Savannah! He's lost his memory!"

Then it dawns on me that I'm at Savannah's home in New York, and these must be her siblings. Maybe it'll be best if I introduced myself right now, considering how intensely they're staring. But before I could say anything, Savannah comes marching inside the room and commands the three musketeers to get out.

"Out! All of you!" She yells at them.

"Fine, fine." One of the girls says. "Have a moment alone with your boyfriend."

"Don't kiss him, he hasn't even brushed his teeth." The boy says sternly.

"Out!" Savannah yells once again before pushing them outside and shutting the door.

She comes and sits next to me on the bed, an apologetic look on her face. "I'm really sorry about that. They can get weird sometimes."

"It's okay.." I yawn and stretch my arms above my head. "God, I feel exhausted."

"You can go back to sleep again, if you want to."

"Nah." I remove the blanket from my legs and stand up, stretching myself once again. I feel like I ran a marathon or something, every part of my body hurts.

"No, seriously." Savannah continues to speak. "You can sleep in. No one's gonna mind."

"You parents might mind." I say as I unzip my duffel bag and search for some decent clothes.

Savannah gets up and walks over to me. "They might, but it shouldn't matter. It's not like you're actually my boyfriend."

I look up at her and see that she has a smirk playing on the edge of her lips. I keep my clothes aside and walk up to her, the smirk disappearing from her face and a frown settling on her forehead as I come close. "But, I am pretending to be one."

She nervously looks away and steps aside, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Freshen up, I'll meet you outside."

She hurriedly walks out of the room. I chuckle to myself before I enter the bathroom and get the water running. As soon as the water temperature rises, I step inside and let the hot water soak me. I exhale luxuriously as my muscles slacken and all the exhaustion slowly vapourizes. My thoughts shift to Savannah as I rest my forehead against the wall with elbows on either side; she confuses me, she really does. One moment she makes me feel like there's a connection between us and right the next minute it feels like we're just two colleagues.

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