Her Mum calls me "love", her Dad calls me "son"

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The quiet knocking on the door rouses me from my sleep and I twist and turn around in my bed, groaning in annoyance. I rub my eyes, forcing my body to sit up and lean against the bed post.

"Who is it?" I ask in an extremely sleepy and muffled voice.

"It's me," a deep voice answers, "Samuel. May I come in?"

I rapidly get out of bed and reach for my jeans and shirt hung on the chair. "Just a second."

"Sure, take your time."

Why the hell is Savannah's Dad knocking on my door at 6 in the morning? I get dressed in a haste and brush my fingers through my hair, slapping myself on the cheeks to fully alert my mind.

"Hello, Mr. Smith," I greet him as I open the door.

He gives a tight lipped smile and nods, "Hello, Harry." He walks inside, his hands are clasped together as he says, "Sorry to wake you up so early. I was heading off to work so I thought that it's better if I talk to you right now."

"It's completely fine, sir." I pick up the chair and settle it beside him. "Is everything alright?"

He takes a seat on the chair while I settle myself on the edge of the bed. We haven't even started talking and I can already feel sweat forming near my hairline. It's been almost a week since I got here and there hasn't been a single moment where he tried to make actual conversation with me or asked for some time alone. What if he doesn't like me and is about to tell me to get my arse out of his house and never ever let it in again? What if he tells me to stay away from Savannah? What if he thinks I'm not good enough for her?

Which, by the way, shouldn't bother you. You are not actually Savannah's boyfriend and you both will break up one day so it shouldn't matter what her Dad thinks of you. 

Then why does his opinion matter so much to me..?

He smiles warmly at me. "Everything is perfect." After a moment's pause, he continues, "I know that I've been giving you a hard time ever since you got here. Heck, I started disliking you the moment Andrea told me that Savannah is dating you."

Crap, he doesn't like me. I've ruined it. Shit.

"All I could think was that my daughter, my baby girl, the most sensible one of her siblings, is dating a celebrity. She's dating a boy who has previously been in multiple relationships and none of them worked out. As a father, I wanted her to stay away from you. I didn't want her to be with you."

I lower my gaze and concentrate on my hands, trying to distract myself from the fact that I feel insanely scared and nervous right now. He continues saying, "But, I was wrong about you. When I discovered about that horrible incident my daughter was in, it was like I was being choked and there was a moment when I felt the life coming out of me. I was terrified. Then, I got to know how you saved her that night and looked after her since then."

He takes a deep breath, passing a hand through his hair. "I wanted to thank you the moment you entered my home, but you had that easy smile on your face with your obvious charm, and that made me back off a little bit. Until yesterday, when I saw you take care of Savannah. There was not a single second that you let go of her hand. Has she told you that she has claustrophobia?"

I slowly shake my head, feeling confused and stunned at this new piece of information. It all makes sense now; why she always freaked out every time we were surrounded by the paparazzi and fans or why she always kept a straight face in the elevator and fixed her eyes on the door. She's scared of closed spaces.

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