And if you only knew

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I have substantial reasons to believe that every single person on this planet has deemed it their mission to keep important issues hidden from me and make me the odd one out.

I spent the entire day with Harry yesterday, but not once did he consider it necessary to mention that he has to go to The Royal Awards today. Not that I didn't know already, but things have been so hectic lately that it completely skipped from my mind.

Harry is nominated for Male Hottie, and I'm sure he's gonna win because I had been religiously voting for him every day before I came here. Even after my arrival, I continued doing that for some time till Satan made me sign that stupid deal. I even voted for Sam who has been nominated for Best Actress for her film Love and Pixie Dust.

But this isn't what's making me nervous. It's the little, minuscule detail that Harry forgot to mention and only just told me; I will be going with him.

"You couldn't have told me this bit earlier?" I snarl angrily at him.

He shrugs lightly. "This is early."

"Harry!" I half whisper, half shout, flailing my arms in the air. "The red carpet is in five hours and we haven't decided what we're going to wear or how to style our hair, heck I need at least a week to prepare myself for an event like this!"

"Savannah, you'll be fine."

Something about his casual tone ticks me off and I viciously glare at him. "Easy for you to say. You've been in the spotlight since five years and I have literally just skimmed around the corners of it."

"What seems to be the issue?"

We divert our attention to Lou and Gary standing outside, observing us. I guess our voices got a bit too out of control.

"She's angry at me for not telling her about the awards before." Harry states in a dry tone.

"When did you tell her?" Gary asks, crossing his arms across his chest.

"He told me like fifteen minutes ago." I speak up.

Gary raises his eyebrows as he gives Harry a stern look. "Why, aren't you the most caring boyfriend in the whole wide world."

Obviously he used the word boyfriend on purpose since Harry admitted on live television that we're in a relationship. And, Lou is standing right here eyeing us all. Even though we know that Harry and I are far from being girlfriend and boyfriend, just hearing Gary say that word made my heart skip a beat. As if saying it out loud somehow makes it a tiny bit real.

Harry throws his arms up in the air and then drops them down, making them smack against his thighs. "I don't get what the big deal is!"

"Harry," Lou comes forward and starts to speak, "you may think that Savannah is fussing about nothing and making a big deal out of something inconsequential."

She pauses as she looks at me, and then continues. "But she hasn't been exposed to live events, or situations where she has to pose and maybe answer questions and meet other celebrities. I can only imagine how freaked out she is."

"Thank you!" I say loudly, rolling my eyes at Harry.

"You're right." He purses his lips and turns his head to me. "Sorry I didn't tell you before."

"Do I have to go?" I look at Gary and then back at Harry. "I mean, there's no point of me going."

"Savannah.." Harry says softly as he holds my hands, rubbing his thumbs on my knuckles. "You're my girlfriend, I want you to be there. I want you to support me. Besides, I think it's about time we make our couple debut."

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