I'm all yours, I've got no control

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SalamHemzawi Thanks for reading and liking LCPDA =] Guys, please go check out the fanfic she's writing. It's called "Temporary Fix" and features a Zarry love triangle.


Wait till she comes out, I think as I settle myself comfortably on the couch. It's been almost half an hour since I called her for dinner, and I'm positive she has changed into her night suit but is hesitant to come outside.

A wide smirk spreads on my lips as I think of how she's been trying her best to avoid me, staying as far away from me as possible whenever I'm shirtless - which is most of the time these days. I didn't mean to tease her initially, my sole intention to take my shirt off and roam around like that was because it was insanely hot some days back. But, I started doing it on purpose when I noticed how nervous she was.

It's actually really fun to see her get so flustered. Don't judge me, but it's satisfying to see her annoyed and frustrated after all the countless times she has fought with me ever since she's moved in. It's seriously unnerving to think how ridiculous we both have been that somehow this strange way of annoying her seems fun to me.

"Savannah.." I call out, already starting to enjoy this. "If you're not coming out, I can put the spaghetti away. It's already cold."

The door creaks open and I hear faint footsteps on the floor, making their way to the kitchen. I don't bother looking up, instead I casually examine my nails and get up to take my plate from the counter. "So, you finally decided to come out and eat." I remark as I sit on the chair and start eating, looking at her as I chew.

She glances at me briefly before focusing back on her meal, quietly asking, "Did you keep the soda in the fridge?"

I nod at her, keeping my eyes fixed on my plate. She gets up and goes over to the fridge. I shift my gaze to her momentarily and find myself staring at her. There she stands, wearing a baggy button up that reaches the top of her thighs. Bare thighs. Completely bare thighs.

I am so dead.

I gulp as she makes her way back, ignoring my constant stare and taking her place. "Here you go." She says as she opens a can for me and places it beside my plate. I clutch the fork tightly and try to divert my perverted thoughts which seem to overwhelm me in this instant.

"Why aren't you eating?" She asks sweetly, batting her eyelashes.

I gulp. "Not hungry."

"Really..? Too bad.." Her voice is teasing me just like I was teasing her and suddenly I regret provoking her, because her revenge is always unforgiving. "Well, I'm done. See you tomorrow." She gets up, puts her plate in the sink and goes to her room. Her hips sway rhythmically with her gait and all I can do is stare like a freaking dog.

The next day, I find her standing beside the counter and eating cereal while scrolling through her phone. Her legs are completely bare and she's only wearing a purple coloured shirt. I take a deep breath and ask, "Why aren't you dressed, yet?"

She keeps scrolling through her phone. "In a minute."

I tug the hem of my shirt and impatiently look at her, making sure not to let my gaze fall on her thighs - not even by accident. "Savannah, hurry up, please. We're already late."

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