Tell me a lie

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I change my clothes in a haste, wanting to waste as less time as possible so that I can head out and mess around with Savannah again.

We have been acting like a grenade; ready to explode, a firework; prepared to shoot vibrancy. But most of all, the most accurate metaphor that would suit us is that we both are like a matchstick; just one spark and it'll be ignited.

It has been ignited, in all honesty. What started as friendship and a minor crush, turned into full-fletched infatuation and now we can't keep our hands off of each other.

Every time I see her, all I want to do is touch her, kiss her. There is a burning sensation in the pit of my stomach every time I lay eyes on her which keeps raging higher and higher.

I never thought I would lose control so easily around her. When I kissed her - from the moment I decided to, till the moment we broke apart - all I could feel was how pleasing it was and how much I wanted her. My mind, my thought process, any ounce of sensibility in me disappeared.

We kissed senseless, that's what we did. I was a bit scared at first, thinking how Savannah might feel and if she would like it or not. But the way she has been teasing me and throwing obvious hints at me made me believe otherwise. Specially the way she kissed me back, as if like me, she had been wanting to do it since a long time.

I get out of the changing room to an empty wardrobe with no signs of Savannah. So I pick up my stuff and head out in search of her.

"Are you ready, Harry?" Kim asks me as she checks her watch. "We'll be leaving in ten minutes max."

"I am, yeah.. Have you seen Savannah?"

Kim furrows her eyebrows, giving me a quizzical look. "She left early, didn't she tell you?"

I pretend that I had forgotten about it, rolling my eyes at myself and smacking my forehand with my hand.

"She did. I totally forgot."

Kim smiles and taps on her watch, motioning me to head towards the car and settle myself. I make my way out, grumbling to myself as I sit in the car and buckle in.

"What, Prince Charming couldn't get the last kiss?" Alex teases me, a smirk spread on his annoying face.

Sam rolls her eyes and signals me to keep quiet and to not pay him any attention. So I plug in my ear phones and listen to songs, music blasting in my head as I try to get Savannah out of my head.


We reach our destination a whole fifteen minutes late. Our respective make up teams get barely a minute to do some touch up on our faces when we are urgently ushered to the backstage and told that we'll be on in a minute.

Alan waves at us, a giant smile on his face and then turns towards the audience to start the show.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," the automatic recording plays as the stage starts to light up. "Please welcome your host, Alan Juniiiiior!"

The audience claps and hoots as Alan makes his entrance in a royal blue coloured suit and pant. He's a smart, easy going man in his mid thirties with jet black hair and a constant light stubble on his face.

"Hello, everyone! Please give a round of applause for my favourite orchestra in the world," he gestures towards them and then points on the table where there seem to be five platters set in a row. "And a shout out to my marvelous cooking team who always serve us with the best brunch ever!"

"I'm so excited!" Sam squeals beside me.

"Today we have four amazing people with us who stole the show very early in their careers and have always given us substantial reasons to love them."

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